Hey Chris,
Two things win elections over anything else, people & money. I agree with your points and am to open to ideas too. I have a few which I'll discuss after this and the Fin Fish review are done and dusted but it can be done. The greens have done it over 25 years, they have come from a whinging whining smelly hippy treehugging dole bludger view from the public, to one where the public think they are the saviours of the world. In fact, the green are nothing but a power hungry small bunch of egotists, no different to any other party. It is just their ideology has become mainstream because the public fear the sky is falling and they are the saviors. We just need the story, the funds and the folk to make up something similar and away we go.
Mod5 - that may well be the case, but I will be damned I will let it happen without some serious noise and continual pointing out of their flaws, the use of foreign data for a local issue, their sheer disrespect for the public as they will happily rape the Bay for the Brisbane Airport Corporation but screw over a family of 4 catching a Sunday dinner all in the name of "protection of biodiversity" because some idiot singed some UN based resolution. Last I looked Aussie waters were the most productive, sustainable and clean waters in the world - WE ARE THE FRIGGIN STANDARD!!!!!!!! Yet we have to sign up to crap legislative guidelines which is aimed at Europe, Sth America and Asia. WTF is wrong with this picture????? It may happen Mod5, but on my watch I will fight with all I have to stop the pain this will cause and promote someone that has the balls to reverse it............thus my question before, who is with Lovey80, Pinhead and myself in taking up this fight??
Soapbox breaking now.