The MBAA need $20,000 dollars to fund their scientist to support the MBAA proposal which is going to be an over the table to talk between the representitives of the EPA and the MBAA proposals at government level.
"Our scientists are continuing to work and following our meeting earlier this week with the Minister, he has directed EPA to meet with our scientists and sector reps over several days in late January to negotiate further with the objective of minimising impacts. This will cost us around $20K to support, as you pay good $ to get top class scientists. All assistance welcomed!!
I have started the campaign by tipping in $1000.00 i challenge any other businesses to match my contribution.
Apart from that lets throw in loose change $5.00 bills run a raffle, do a sausage sizzle, grab a sponsor (related to the industry) by putting their sticker on your boat, grab sponsors for Feb 10 outing.
We need all the help we can get to help fund our scientist from the MBAA
Come on open the wallet the mind and the money boxes!!