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What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.
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Thread: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

  1. #1

    What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Hi guys,
    have come back from a completely fish free tour of angry sandy places in the midle east, salivating at the thought of a nice break and some great fishing, only to be frustrated by the past couple of weeks of weather. Cant even get onto Nugget's site to get the lowdown
    Anyway, has anyone been out / or is going out in in the bay?
    Are there any spotties / doggies around?
    What's worth chasing in the next week you reckon? Before I have to go back to work.



  2. #2

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Note to self.
    Do not type in dark after couple of glasses of red!
    That should read "Moreton Bay".....idiot! Ha

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Bet you glad to be back.

    Mate its been pretty quite in the bay recently.

    Scattered catches of snappery squire and very few mackeral showing up yet.

    Look up posts by small unit and webby. I think these are the only 2 guys who have posted any mackeral catches recently.

    We are all waiting.......................... patiently.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Yeah, the 'moeton bat' has been fishing great though if you can get there.

  5. #5

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Thanx plastix,
    looks like we'll have to wait till the weather and fresh water run off settles

  6. #6

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    And yes mate, I'm very glad to be back!

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    If your keen for a fish, seems to be quite a few bream and flatties around.

  8. #8

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Where are the flatties mate?
    I was flicking some sps around on the pine river near dohles rocks from the bank on tues, hoping for a flattie. All I got was a whiting that was the same size as the sp! But I just couldnt stand being in the house a moment longer. Needed to get out for a fish!

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    I would be hitting the mouths of small creeks and anywhere that the dirty/fresh stuff meets some cleanish water. Its a bit hit and miss cause its hard to tell how much fresh is about but you gotta be in it to win it.

    I was having a flick (between jobs) down the tweed the other day, about midday, and scored a couple of little bream, a cod and a nice little flattie. Not bad for 20 minutes, would have liked to stay but the phone wouldn't stop ringing.

  10. #10

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Thanks Plastix.
    Was that litlle session after or before the recent rain?

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Quote Originally Posted by cptpott View Post
    Thanks Plastix.
    Was that litlle session after or before the recent rain?
    Monday just gone. It looks good down there at the moment. I was down there last week also and it seems to be cleaning up quite well.

    There were birds working the surface, after a few scattered schools of prawns i think as some stunned prawns were floating onto the bank in front of me.

    Have been keen to get back down there for a dawn or dusk session.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Welcome Back cptpott!! I'm sure the sand is friendlier here.

    As Plaztix says - flathead on the shallows at the mouths of any small creeks feeding in to the bay. I had a good session on Sunday casting gulps for about an hour on the top of the midday high tide.

    If you are in to them, live or dead mullet work pretty well on the local shark populations at this time of year too.

  13. #13

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Thanks fellas,
    shall try and get out for a shot at the flatties over the next few days.
    Yep sands are friendlier here, makes you realise how lucky we are in Aus -even with the impending green zones!
    You are obviously on the south side Plastix, or are you making big trips down to the tweed?
    I havent heard of much bird action on the north side at all, dying to get amongst some pelagics - bought myself a certate and matching saltiga rod as a coming home present. So far its worked well on sydney rat kingfish over the Xmas break but want to hear some screeming drag on some moreton bay macks!



  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Quote Originally Posted by cptpott View Post
    You are obviously on the south side Plastix, or are you making big trips down to the tweed?
    I havent heard of much bird action on the north side at all, dying to get amongst some pelagics - bought myself a certate and matching saltiga rod as a coming home present. So far its worked well on sydney rat kingfish over the Xmas break but want to hear some screeming drag on some moreton bay macks!


    I do live and work on the southside but i was down there for work, site inspections. Lunch sessions are awesome.

    The bird action is the first i've seen in ages and they were obviuosly chasing some early season prawns. There was a few boats out but no one was casting nets for them so i think they may have been quite scattered. Obviously not pelagics.

    Nice coming home pressie. I got some new pressies too ( sol and advantage rod) real keen to hear the sol screeeeeaaaaaaaaaam

    I've been hoping to find some trev's (in the absence of bay macks) down the tweed to test the sol out.

  15. #15

    Re: What to chase in Moeton bat this next week.

    Sounds great,
    they're a lovely little unit the sol, just the ticket for sps
    hope you get onto some trevs!

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