I spent most of my 41 year career traveling. I retired with more frequent flyer points than I could ever use but now when I go to an airport to drop off or pick up my kids, I actually feel nauseous just being there. People think that the jet setting life is wonderful but you don't want to do it each and every week of the working year.
Seeing other places and enjoying their culture is fun but the novelty of their culture really does wear off if you are not brought up on it.
For instance, looking at Aussie capital cities...
Melbourne - a city of spectators, extremely conservative both in dress ( more often than not black) and attitude. Very parochial about suburban Aussie Rules teams and just about everything else. An ugly city from the air but very nice parks and gardens on the ground.
Sydney - a magnificent city from the air but extremely ugly at ground level with horrific traffic issues. A wonderfully aggressive, arrogant attitude to doing business and most other things but so many of them cannot afford to live in the city which means that the long commutes to work kill any social activity with work mates. All that cafe society stuff that you see around Darling Harbour is mostly populated by interstate business travellers.
Perth - Lovely city, great restaurants in places like Northbridge. Inner CBD is ugly but step 50 metres beyond that towards the Swan River and it is georgeous. The locals have a great "can do" attitude but they do have a big chip on their collective shoulder about the people "over east."
Adelaide - Well, if I wanted to live in a country town, I would have stayed in Charleville.
Hobart - awesome river and scenery, awesome seafood, lots of history. Bloody cold!
Within Queensland ...
Hervey Bay - lovely place but very very quiet - drives a city boy nuts after a couple of years.
Gold Coast - Town planning gone mad - unbelievably busy traffic - unbelievably busy everything - drives a country boy nuts after a couple of years.
Townsville - hot, hot, hot, dry, dry, dry.
Toowoomba - lovely city with lots of culture but it is a long way to the boat ramp at Manly.
Charleville - Hot, hot, hot and cold, cold, cold. Pilchards bait is too expensive there.
No water restrictions, though.