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Thread: Where would you retire?

  1. #46
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Where would you retire?

    We're actually toying with the House Sitting Service. We can stay here in Brizzy, for the kids and part-time working, but when the feeling takes us, go and house sit for someone somewhere else in OZ. It's a growing service and the opportunities to see the world, let alone Oz, seem abundant.............we house sit for someone and someone else can house sit for us. Just google house sitting to see how popular it is least it gets the grey nomads out of their mobile homes


    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

  2. #47
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Where would you retire?

    There is only one place ... Waddy Point , Fraser Is .

  3. #48
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Been to lotsa places in Qld an found for the fisherman crabber and those who like prawns and maybe a drop of rum there is only one place and you have probably guessed it Bundy. Within one hours drive and or boating you can travel across 6 rivers or creeks and catch muddies in winter. Mate has retired there and has travelled around Aus twice and seen most places. He has a place on a river and it is to die for. Member who mentioned Eurimbula is spot on the country up that way is great. Another friend has just bought acerage up that way. I do like to holiday on GC though get out of traffic and do grocerys in the boat at Runnaway. I have thought of river heads but seems to be getting very popular.

  4. #49

    Re: Where would you retire?

    I would go Poona first if you want absolute peace and quiet (only noise you'll hear are the sandflies) and a very safe spot to fish, with friendly like-minded people and as many winter whiting as you could ever hope for.

    Secondly, I would go to Agnes waters. It has every type of marine activity imaginable there, whether it be fishing the reefs, cruising, snorkelling, fishing up the creeks or chasing muddies.

    Can't wait til I retire (only 39 years to go)

  5. #50

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    I find that phrase totally offensive and should be banned from the English language..I should report you to the Mods for even is totally discriminatory against those of us who do not have enough hair to go grey.
    most of those terms are marketing terms.......the guys who thaught that one up just want your money.......thats offencive

    Up north they call em....... "Turtles"........ because they are slow on the highway and carry their home on their back.

    If you are tracleing south its smart to get past proserpine before 8.30 in the morning... after that you can get a steady stream of turtles comming out of the whitsunday's.....& yo;ll spend the rest of the day waiting to pass em

    Proserpine....... now there's a handy place.......

    the best bet it to get a protfolio of rental properties with granny flats up all up the coast.........well you have to do an inspection twice a year and a bit of maintence & renovation to be overseen........the trip then becomes an expense deductable agianst the rentals.


  6. #51

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Quote Originally Posted by oldboot View Post
    .well you have to do an inspection twice a year and a bit of maintence & renovation to be overseen........the trip then becomes an expense deductable agianst the rentals.

    Didn't I hear recently that the tax office had been cracking down on people doing this?

  7. #52

    Re: Where would you retire?

    its a no brainer really, TASSIE, its got a moderate climate, all the bush ya want, surrounded by sea and only a couple hours away no matter where you are and the amont of people that are moving here to retire is staggering, sell up interstate and be come cashed up in TASSIE

  8. #53

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Quote Originally Posted by blaze View Post
    its a no brainer really, TASSIE, its got a moderate climate, all the bush ya want, surrounded by sea and only a couple hours away no matter where you are and the amont of people that are moving here to retire is staggering, sell up interstate and be come cashed up in TASSIE
    No offense matey but moderate climate????
    Gees I'd freeze my nipples off down there in winter.
    I went to the snow once...just the once. It was good to see but there was only one problem. I couldn't walk or even move my arms with all the gear I had on to keep warm.
    The cook wants to move there. But she's part Eskimo I think. In her car the A/C is set to 16. She also reckons I've hit my head a few too many times because I like the temperature in late 20's early 30's. Maybe she's right??
    But I have to go down and explore for a little while one day.
    Just walking through some of the gunga would be an eye opening experience let alone seeing some of the coast know..those spots that 95% of the tourists don't see.

    Now where would I retire too???
    Well I'd have to say right where I am now seeing I haven't worked for 10 years.
    But having a few options for 'visiting' other places for extended periods is good.
    Last edited by finga; 15-01-2008 at 06:52 AM.
    I intend on living far so good

  9. #54

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Coral Bay WA, the fishing goes off, white sand, smaller tides and ningaloo reef, or Hamelin bay WA, rock lobster and Dhufish (Real ones WA only).
    I agree make every minute count, dont sleep it away, get out there and enjoy

  10. #55

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Been retired for 8 years and loving every minute of it in Ball Bay. No noisy, or nosey neighbours, plenty of fishing, sea and freshwater. BARRA
    Last edited by BobbyJ123; 15-01-2008 at 07:08 AM.

  11. #56
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    Re: Where would you retire?

    G'day Nat,

    This is a great thread and there have already been some brilliant responses...I'm surprised there haven't been more hands go up for Northern Rivers NSW say from Coffs to Tweed...lovely part of the world down there and not too far for the Brisbanites with family.

    I do like some of the thinking and advise from those who have retired with respect to location and proximity to family..its still around 15years away for me but I find myself pondering the question regularly. We are very keen on Minni Water for a very quiet lifestyle, but there is no infrastructure and medical support comes via Wooli a couple of days a week. Wooli has a few more facilities and the Wooli River is a good fishery for those crappy days you can't get out, but the bar is dodgy, would only look at it in a 4.6mt boat on the very best days.

    We've also pondered the Sunny coast, maybe marooch to mooloolaba...perhaps buderim, but we'd probably be about the same distance if not a little further removed from the water than we are now.

    we do like the Manly West area - not far from the ramps here, but real estate prices are getting rediculous...we've had to move out a little further to Wakerley to buy so we are moving at the end of the week hopefully. We figure this will be our second last shift, the last one being into our retirement situation.

    Keep the responses coming

    thanks to all for your thoughts, very helpful



  12. #57

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Where ever I want

    Been retired for six + years now it can be an expensive habbit.
    Had to send the cook back to work, now I'm back part time, I like to live to well, plus still in debit and have one more rug rat to be rid of

    That's why I don't understand all the talk of staying close for the kid's and grandkid's?


    The further away they are the better, then I won't be stuck babysitting while they go out and enjoy themselves.

    Been to Harveybay once and that was enough.

    Once we do retire properly, I hope to be healthy enough and financial enough to wonder around this beautifull country of ours for a couple of years. Keep the place we're in at Coutts Crossing for a home base.

    There are too many great spot's to pick from, and there's always another place better or as good as where you have been, so maybe visit them and stay where you are, it's probably heaps cheaper that way.

    Rob T

  13. #58

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Quote Originally Posted by charleville View Post
    Didn't I hear recently that the tax office had been cracking down on people doing this?

    Ahh but isnt the tax office cracking down on all of those things they crack down on.......its all in the detail..........It has to be an "at least credible" money making venture and not a blatant dodge.

    Even if it is only half deductable you have free accomodation up & down the country.

    As for Tasmania..........moderate climate!.... ....holy snapping duck $%#T Batman, people freeze to death there....... yeh moderate in comparison to Sibera.

    On of the biggest problems with lots of these places people go to retire.
    They are full of.........OLD PEOPLE


  14. #59

    Re: Where would you retire?

    I have our retirement house already sorted for when we eventually retire. Situated in Fiji, on Nadi Bay overlooking the Mamanuca Islands it is our own little slice of paradise. Hopefully we will spend the warmer months on the Tweed Coast and the Australian winter in Fiji, terrific fishing at both! Good luck with finding your dream spot.
    Don't play stupid with me...I'm better at it!

  15. #60
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Where would you retire?

    Nat check out Tannum Sands, right on the coast with good river fishing, barra fishing at Awoonga 15 mins away. Good medicial and other services, 20 mins from the city of Gladstone. Tannum has a pop of 10,000. Forgot excellent offshore fishing if this weather would hurry up and turn. I live here now and it,s where I,ll retire. Polky.

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