hey guys, me and nug went out again for a fish, we used ow fly rods for a while i got the first queenie on a hearing imatation, sadly lost him just befor landing him.
Abit later on in the day i had a few other hits, but no luck in hooking them.
That sly piece of work nuggstar had his surf candy just sitting in the water in front of him and the queenie in the picture below smashed it, so he brought that in, i took the pic below.
you wouldn't believe it but about 1 minute after that he had his surf candy in the water just sitting there a whack and a little big eye hits it i wont lie a swore F#$%. didnt get a pic of the big eye though i wasnt in the mood, but later on that day we were useing clouser minnows, on a yabbie flat and nuggstar got busted up by a big golden trevally, what a prick(coughs) anyway then we had so many slashes from queenies and i hooked and lost the only one.
then we moved on to a new spot we hadn't tryed before, i started out useing a bassday sugar deep for bream i had one good hook up in the weeds and the hooks pulled when i was in the weeds trying to get him out (mean while nuggstar slips, and crys out "prick stung me in the eye lid" to a poor little wasp going by)
imediatly i say suck it up theres fish to be caught so we continue fishing, nugg was useing a towadi, he did no good, and it was getting to snaggy for an expensive lure like a bass day so i used a squidgy bug unweighted and i got a few hits from some good bream and ended up pulling this beauty(below), had a few other hits but no hook ups, same with nuggy.
This old ladie came out and told us about big trevally and stuff like that so i thourght back to that and through on and little 45mm bubble popper and within 10 cast all around my popper exploded and one hit two hits three hits and i was on it didnt fight to hard i could tell it was a queenfish as soon as they hit and brought it in for this picture(below) i realesed it soon after then we left after a while doing no good, left for nuggstars place cause he was late.
we ended up going back from his place that arvo and he had a sigoi popper on and i had my bubble popper on again, and both ow first couple of casts were followed by little bullets under the water, after a few follows nuggs sigoi exploded and i through my cast directly onto his hooked fishes head before it ran unfortunitly its mates wernt interested that cast, but what ever was on the end of nuggs line was only interested in stealing aroung about 50 metres on nuggs 6 lb fireline off nis 2000 sized sol i have a pic (below) of nug hooked up we saw a big queenie jump dureing his fight, which he swears wasnt the one he hooked, he sayed he could feel it wrapped around something and i could see it in the rod, soon after snap, while nug was recovering from the loss of his sigoi and great fish i through a few casts and i couldnt believe my eyes a queenie i estimated at over a mtre in length came side on like a dolphin when you see there backs come out of the water missing my bubble popper by cm's, we walked around for a while had no luck, then nug put on a sure catch popper throws it in nere the weeds and bang zzzzzzz hes saying big bream and i no instantly jack, and then he pulled in this jack you see below, (about time i cough).
and heres a tea leaf trevally i caught a while back i hope you enjoyed my story
cheers david