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Castletown Barra on Poppers!
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Thread: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member Curmudgeon's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    I arrived at the Lakes at about 8 o'clock last night. Through some meteorological aberration, it wasn't raining, though distant lightning lit the sky from all directions. Against my better judgement, I popped the car boot and dragged the little flick stick out, all the while pondering the conductivity of it's graphite fibres. Approaching headlights heralded the arrival of my partner in crime, Mozza. He immediately grabbed his rod and trotted down to the water, pausing only to call me a whuss for being worried about becoming a human lightning rod.

    This was not our first session at the Lakes. Mozza had got me interested in this nocturnal poppering charade weeks earlier. During that time, I'd had some knee trembling hits, and watched Moz land a couple, but I was yet to convert a strike.

    The first half hour went by without incident. I struggled to maintain concentration. I kept flinching at the closer lightning strikes. The sound of thunder echoed over the noise of the speedway cars(?) at the showground.

    Recognising that I was desperate to nail a fish on these damnable poppers, Mozza graciously gave me first crack at "the spot". I dutifully laid down a perfect cast and proceeded to bloop the little Rapala along a trajectory parallel to the bank. BOOF!!! About half way back to me, it disappeared in a shower of spray.

    I was on!!!

    The fight was short and sweet. I had finally caught a barra on a popper! At about 43cm, he was no world beater, but by golly, he was worth the wait. This poppering malarky is addictive stuff!

    With renewed enthusiasm, we pushed on as the clouds drew even nearer. Mozza landed his first giant herring after a wonderfully acrobatic display (first by the fish, then by Mozza after it was photographed and released). Mere minutes later I found myself connected to a solid barra. Several jumps at close range confirmed he was a candidate for my first legal barra on an artificial.

    Then the trace parted.

    My new favourite lure was gone. Missing in action. So my big barra hoodoo continues...

    Then the rain came. I'm amazed that we stayed dry as long as we did, given the storms that were moving through last night. I beat a hasty retreat to the car, leaving Mozza still casting. He may still be there. That boy is dedicated.


  2. #2

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    Great stuff. They're a fantastic fish to get on surface lures, they sure do make a lot of commotion when they hit. Do you think the imminent storms may have made them more active?
    Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    Don't tell too many people or "the Spot" will have an influx of fisho's and it will loose the magic. The Barra will become gun-shy. Good effort considering the rain and if its looking good now, wait until the season opens and its legal to take em home. If aplins runs over again this year, we will be in for a great season, especially if a few of them make it up to the lakes area. Can't wait to have a crack at em!!!
    Fillet and Release Squad

  4. #4

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    G'day all,

    I WON'T give my version of events except to say that yes, I eventually got wet.

    I'm stoked 'cos I've now added two new species to the Skitterpop CV: Giant Herring and Tarpon. Woohoo!

    The GH lept so high and far on its first hit that I thought that I had missed the hit as there was no resistance on the line. I esitmated it landed a good 2m away from the original strike spot (3m was a bit of an exaggeration, wasn't it Curm?). In fact, it spent so much time in the air that it really wasn't much of a fight. These fish are one of the main reasons I've started fishing the lakes after hearing interesting stories about catching these guys to ~80cm.

    Joel, I don't think so but a sudden influx of water from the various drains would. Apart from the obvious bigger drains, there are stacks of others that start leaking water as soon as the rain runs off roofs, roads, etc.

    We definitely had a few more hits from bigger fish and Curm. forgets to mention that his biggie smashed his popper no more than 2m away from the rod tip.
    Oh, so THAT'S why you went home early, Curm. No loo paper in the car...

    BTW, the barra was from a previous trip and the jack was a daylight fish caught on a prawn SP.

    PS: The hat and gloves are to add extra deterrents to the mozzie swarms...
    Last edited by Mozza; 13-01-2008 at 03:06 PM.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member codz22's Avatar
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    Dec 2007

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    Good work fellas there is nothing better than getting a good fish on a popper in my opinion theres nothin more rewarding than watchin a fish smash a popper

  6. #6

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    Good work boys

    Has anyone seen a boat cruising around in the lakes? Some mornings on the way to work, I see a ute with a boat trailer backed down to the lakes edge. Never seen a boat on the trailer, or anyone around...

  7. #7

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    Good stuff guys

    Those who brave the conditions will come up trumps

    I think Aplins is starting to flow................bring on the Barra season

  8. #8

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    Thanks guys,

    Dan, I heard that there were some TCC water quality guys out there last week - the bro' in law told me he saw some guys in flouro work shirts putting around with all sorts of paraphenalia hanging out of the boat.

    BTW I went again last night for an hour and discovered that Townsville is one big frickin' lake - the water was backed up all the way to the Botanic Gardens!! There masses of mullet cruising along in the shallowest water in amongst the flooded grass.

    No hits, not a one...


  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    The wiers are definatly over checked on the bom last night .2 over then went for a drive this morning once the tide had gone out of the streets. kids every where giving it a good go. dam is just short not much longer and it will be over to.


  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Castletown Barra on Poppers!

    Nice reports boys and some nice fish by the looks of it aswell.

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