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Thread: Baffle creek trip .

  1. #16

    Re: Baffle creek trip .

    Good report on our trip Nico!! Its a wonderful place. We did a drive through Baffle Bob's while we were there and compared to Baffle Creek Camp stay its no where near as good. We had sooo much Wildlife around us because of all the trees, Baffle bob's looked as though they cleared the whole block to fit more campers where baffle Creek camp stay had the campers fitting around the natural environment.

    Seeing I didn't get any pics of me with fish I thought I would throw up a campsite shot your son took


    PS: Dave glad to hear no one has done any good in the pine while we were gone :p Will be up there this weekend I imagine, try and get that Jack that I dindt' get up Oyster Creek

  2. #17

    Re: Baffle creek trip .

    Good report, and Nick you still get bragging rights for your sons fish!

  3. #18

    Re: Baffle creek trip .

    Sounds like you all had a ball. And good on Jeremy for his fish!

    Maybe you guys should have been "smashing some cans" like he was in the photo!!! HA HA HA

  4. #19

    Re: Baffle creek trip .

    Quote Originally Posted by Nico.d.R View Post
    thanks roz , we drove up to the ferry crossing and had a look at flat rock but as you say it does take a lot of time to explore properly so we did not take the boat up there , one creek at a time . i have to have a look at the calender for dates but im thinking just after new years some time for a meet and greet hopefully with a lot of notice a few more people would be keen to come up there , there is a comp on up there in febuary did you know about that ?
    Not usually up there till April & May, however arms can be twisted.

    As for the comp, I had no idea.

    thanks roz


  5. #20

    Re: Baffle creek trip .

    Good Report Nico, damn shame about the weather but still, exploring a new location is a real buzz.
    You two blokes will have to learn how to catch a fish, Young Jeremy quite often outfishes both of you and good on him. Great to see you took him along,
    I will consider going along when you organise a M & G, looks like a bloody nice spot.


  6. #21

    Re: Baffle creek trip .

    Jeremy is still rubbing it in laughing as im reading it to him , he had a great time and im glad he came up with us , next time i go fishing he is in charge . It was lots of fun exploring a new area we sused out from the bridge to the camp creek pretty well and there is a lot of nice spots there to fish (when its sunny) and had a look up to the little jetty with the rocks at the front of it but didnt get to have a fish there , that place would take months to know the whole creek system it is huge .

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