Cut off the tail, fins, gut them, head off. I dont know of any size limit, so there should not be a problem with the auth. Think they are like a Black tip Reefy, dont quote me but they had black tips and came from a reef. If you have a good burley trail going i am sure they will hit any fleshy bait. The "House Boat", whats that? I got the GPS mark of a lad at work, he told me to keep it quiet as it was some type of legendary spot X noone knew about. First time I went there, 6 boats were drifting over it. On the odd time I have had the House Boat to myself I have only managed Moses Perch.
I would be trying closer to the Reef edge, I was getting them out of about 2m of water. Saying that I am pretty sure if your Burley is working they will come from miles around