Infofish Services (Bill Sawynok) administers the Qld tagging program (SUNTAG) on behalf of ANSA Qld. This link will give you all the information you need about the tagging program both Qld and other states.
Each year, Ansa Qld gets funding from the Qld govt via DPI&F. This covers administration costs and purchase of tags. As has been previously stated, there are only a limited number of tags available hence the restriction of tagging to those species listed on the tagging list.
Bill is more than happy to received donations towards the purchase of more tags.
To participate in SUNTAG, you have to be a member of ANSA Qld either through an affilliated club or as a direct member (Qld sportfisher).
The detailed info required from taggers allows Bill to accumulate very comprehensive information about fishing. (read some of the report available online from INFOFISH).
If you're not prepared to complete the tagging sheets properly, don't tag.
The only way we can argue our position is with hard and accurate information. Have a look at the CapReef link on the Infofish website.
This sort of monitoring program should be used across the whole of Qld to provide info (read ammo) for when dealing with government department and others who want to stick their noses into rec fishing.
ANSA Qld Exec