Every Queenslander will probably know which little black ant I am referring to in this thread(They are everywhere including in the house) I am sure, and I am quickly starting to dislike them as much as the common nuisance we call the fly. Unfortunately I don't have garage space to park my boats in so they end up in the back yard under covers. With the weather we have been experiencing for a while now the trips out on the water have become rather infrequent and something I have noticed is that with the boats sitting still too long those little pesky ants start making their homes in every nook and cranny in the boats. Both boats are tinnies and my first boat which is an old Quintrex 3.7 metre has been the first boat to succumb to these little ants. I noticed when I uncovered the boat that there was a trail of ants going through the boat. "Uhoh!" I thought quickly going inside to get the can of Mortien. I sprayed the little blighters and then went in search of where they were nesting. They had a huge nest under the floor boards complete with queen ants and loads of eggs. The only way to clean them out was to flush them all down to the end and out the bung hole. This is where I noticed nest number 2. The buggers had got up inside the intake of the 25hp Tohatsu motor too which is a little more serious because this will block up the cooling system. Out came the hose again and I flushed and back flushed until I noticed a steady stream coming out of the tell tale outlet.. Content that the ant problem was solved I checked in on the boat not two days later and the persistent little pests were back in the boat making a fresh nest. So far they are leaving the new boat alone. Since noticing the second coming I have once again eradicated their nest and moved the boat under the pergola area out back much to the wife's dismay because there is not a lot of room under there but hopefully the ants will not follow it there. Now I know that I have been experiencing problems and Scalem's old 15 foot fibreglass Mustang has also succumb to these ants because we found them crawling in and out of the finest little crack in his gel coat one time which could be more of a cause for concern for the fibreglas boat owner because they draw moisture into the stringers inside. My questions are:-
1/ Has anyone else out there been experiencing the same problem with these ants?
2/ Just how do you prevent these ants from making your investments their home?