Reds....... Yes, I've seen people pull 10kg plus fish from offshore Mooloolaba. ( Sunshine Coast ).
I think drinking Queensland rum and breathing NSW air has made you delirious Rob.

I am not a gambler , but I do bet on certainties. One thing is certain, you NSW footy folk still do not get it. And just to prove this yet again. Billy BoB Whosamadigger ( Sonny Bill Williams ) gets selected for NSW under 17' s and 19' s to firstly try to smash QLD in junior SOO

and then when it comes time for the REAL game, they say he is not eligible. They keep shooting themselves in the foot. They kept potential eligible NSW youngsters out of the junior rep side for the sake of what ???? My point is exactly this.. why ? The Mark Geyer episode is another fine example of NSW players being deserted by the very people that choose them to represent their state. NSW will win games and Qld will lose games, but it will take generations for NSW to even come close to understanding what " S.O.O. " is all about.
As for traveling to 1770 to catch a Red, well it's not all about that. It's about getting away from the cheese and kisses and the tin lids. getting together with other like minded ferets. Have you noticed the complete lack of stop signs, round-abouts and traffic lights at 1770 ? NO sunday morning lawn mowers either. And until recently, we didn't even have mobile phone reception.... nice !!!!
Also, how long does it take to drive from the accom to the ramp ?mmm not even half a stubbie....
Enough from me for now..... Who is leading the NRL comp ? mmmmm