i always chuckle when i hear the 'old hammer tap & start' starter motors..
in the seventies i had a lovely old FL that had similar probs. one nighgt coming up past the Hilton Hotel in Kings Cross, Sydney, i stalled in heavy traffic. popped the bonnet & grabbed my trusty ballpein hammer & went to do the tap thing. a couple of cars behind was a few excitable ethnic gentlemen who were spoiling for a bit of a blue, they leapt out of their car in a pretty aggressive way & proceeded in my direction calling me all the dirty names you can think of & telling me i was going to get a flogging for stopping their progress through the Cross..not thinking too clearly about what was about to happen i stepped out from under the bonnet with a shrug & asked what their effing problem was, forgetting i was waving the hammer around
poor little tough guys ran over the top of each other to get back to the safety of their vehicle