Had a few chances between the rain to fish North Pine Dam during the holidays with my boy.
The bass were scarce with only a handful caught but the yellowbelly made a very welcome appearance. I was lucky enough to score my personal best yella at 58cm. This big old girl must have been just full of eggs, either that or she'd swallowed half a kilo of pork sausages. It fought like a few house bricks tied to the end of my line, very sluggish. After a few quick pictures she was gently placed back in the water and casually returned to the depths.
Caleb was kept busy catching garfish and his third ever bass.
Had a quick fish yesterday by myself and scored another nice yellowbelly. This little fish was the complete opposite of the previous yellowbelly. It fought like Jakie Chan at the end of one of his movies and broke my twelve lb leader right at the waters edge, I usually don't kick fish but this one was in two inch deep water flipping around like crazy with my Jackall in it's gob, it was destined for my breakfast table so a little boot was given to drive it a bit further up the bank.
I had this fish called for a big bass, I've caught stacks of these fish over the last thirty years but I can't remember any of them fighting as hard as this little one.
Very nice to see so many lungfish out there, slowly rising to the surface to take a great gulp of air, gotta love those things.
Anybody want to guesstimate the weight on the yella, I reckon close to five kg.