Today i made my way down to Tweed again to investigate and see if i could get some bigger bream than usual. I fished around th trawlers for a while for absolutley zip, just a few slight touches. Well i thought ethe whoole day would have been crap. I moved spots down to te bridge with thoughts of snagging my first decent bream on a hb, so on goes the Sx40 ( don't know what colour but it's black) first cast straight at the pylons and tap, tap, WHACK im on a few good runs (the best fight i have had with a bream) in comes my first bream on a Hb and my new PB at a alright 34cm. ( getting bigger). Well by this point she swims aways and i cast again at the pylons for a nice hit but miss, again cast at the pylones an WHACK!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... this feels better ..a few more runs and i bring in my first trevor at 38cm
i was pretty stoked and they go so hard on 4lb. The trev broke one of my trebles on my Sx 40 so i went back to a placcies ( Gulp! shrimp) and straight away im on again but only with a little tacker at 25. I did manage a few smaller bream whci wern't worth a photo of. So it ended up being a good day in the coffee coloured water. I think now i will stock up on some more Eco gears
Cheers Chris