Hello everyone,
With a close eye on the weather and Seabreeze predictions it was decided that today would be the day that I took the new boat for a spin (Still hadn't had a decent run since taking delivery the Friday before Christmas).
One of my kids (daughter) wanted to go for a run in the new boat so it was up nice and early to be on the water at Manly by 5:30am. Hardly a cloud in the sky anywhere and it looked to be the perfect day all things considering. Scalem agreed to meet up with us at the ramp to go in tandem and everything was going like clockwork however once outside of the leads we saw whitecaps and things started getting bumpy. It was quite rough but manageable but after several drifts around Mud Island my young deckie took on that noticeable and familiar shade of pale groaning those words every skipper dreads...."Dad, I don't feel so good!"After using the bucket she looked at me and insisted that we keep on fishing because she didn't want to spoil the fun. What a trooper she is at age 9. We did a couple of more drifts which yielded a 36cm squire and a couple of smaller models all released but Scalem had better success in his boat bringing on board a 55cm Cod. It was decided to leave Mud to try find where the fish were hiding and preferably get out of the swell that was making my daughter sick.
Off we went trailing behind Scalem in his boat to St.Helena and things initially looked pretty grim until Scalem stumbled onto a patch of fish mostly undersized but fun none the less. After calling me over to where he was I cast in a 4 inch Nuclear Chicken Gulp and it was smashed hard. By the way it fought I called it to be a bigger fish than it was however once in the boat it was still a good table fish at 44cms. Both Scalem and I managed a bit of a feed which I guess is better than nothing.
Out there I spotted fellow Ausfishers Blue Fin59 and Horse who followed us back home. Good to see you out there guys. Anyway, that's pretty much it for the day. We called it quits when we saw the storm forming up and it was a very quick trip back to the ramp. No sooner had we left and down she came. Nothing better than natures own freshwater bath for the boat and trailer I reckon.
I know you all have seen a 44cm squire before but here is a photo anyway which my daughter was well enough to take.