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Thread: Spray Deflectors for a Kevlacat 2400

  1. #1

    Spray Deflectors for a Kevlacat 2400

    Does anybody have a template for spray deflectors for 2007 Suz Df140 motors fitted to a 2000 Kevlacat 2400
    I have sent Kevlacat an email but so far no luck

  2. #2

    Re: Spray Deflectors for a Kevlacat 2400

    KC probably shutdown over Xmas/New Year.
    I'm guessing they would probably be back to work tomorrow, 7th Jan. And I'm sure they'll have a million emails to look at.
    If you're desperate I'd try phoning them tomorrow.

  3. #3

    Re: Spray Deflectors for a Kevlacat 2400

    Kevlacat contacted me and gave me directions on how to correct the problem
    I made and fitted the spray deflectors
    Was able to test the boat today and what a difference. No spray at all
    Thanks Kevlacat

  4. #4

    Re: Spray Deflectors for a Kevlacat 2400

    Can you post a photo? Do they need to be bolted to the top of the front of the cav plate or do they screw to the hull? ally or glass and why don't they fit them when they sell rigged boats??


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