Has anyone got a picture of one to help stop the rooster tail splashing up in the boat
Has anyone got a picture of one to help stop the rooster tail splashing up in the boat
was thinking the same thing as i was in the boat tonight. im sick of my boat looking like its a jet ski
You can pick them up from any marine dealer
Good luck
Mine actually deflected the water back onto the leg and upwards, hence the additional cut down bit on the side.
Last edited by Angla; 05-01-2008 at 10:37 PM.
We just used silicone to block the holes on the transducer and we haven't had a problem with spray since.
I had the same problam with mine. I lowered the transducer and it reduced the splash by 90% still little splash.I have seen the photos on your replays i think i might invest in a splash gard as well.
Sorry fella's,I cringe when I see all those screw holes in your transoms.
Personally I would rather play with the height of the tranducer or put it in line with a strake to reduce any spray.
But them holes in your transom, sooner or later there going to leak some water in behind your splash plate and start the dreaded transom rot.
But if you must you could go for a duck board or boarding steps, sure there bolted on but theres a better chance you can seal the holes better with flow coat, and generally there above the water line.
Here is another sika and screws no leaks ....matt
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
I'm with Roughasguts. I think the splash guard is a band aid fix for a bad transducer mounting.
I had a Humminbird 3D transducer (big+wide+lots of angles) that used to throw up heaps of water. It got so bad that it was going over the outboard cowl at cruise speed.
To fix the problem I got a thick piece of PTFE from an old chopping board, and made a "wedge" to fit in between the transom and the sounder bracket. By doing this the transducer now runs square to the direction of travel, rather than at a slight angle. By adjusting this, the height, and the angle of attack to the water, it has removed nearly all the spray.
I find it interesting that even boats that come with a transducer mounting bracket (like mine) still have the bracket parallel to the transom (and therefore a few degrees off perpendicular to the direction of travel), rather than compensating for the shape of the transom.
I'll post some pics if anyone is interested.
that would be great