hi people me and nuggstar went in search of some bream, so we went to our first spot and nugg got a good touch under the first jetty down nice and deep, then i moved over to a boat with my gulp shrimp 2" molting colour, and through in a rather uncomfertable skip cast between the boat hull and the rock wall, let it sink to the bottom and the first twich WHACK!!!!, soon after i pulled in a nice bream.
next destination/ same plastic, i plopped a cast a few metres in front of me at some skipping prawns in the open, let it sink to the bottom, then a few seconds later somthing picked it off and screamed off for about 20 metres, nuggstar predicted a big bream, i wasnt so sure, to tell you the truth i thourght it was a trevally, i was very wrong, a few minuts later a beautiful 42 cm jack broke the waters crystal texture and i yeld its a jack, nuggstar couldnt believe it wasteing no time in giveing it the comfort lift out and onto the wet grass, woooohoooo!!!
next spot nothing
next spot nothing
next spot we were useing little towadi's and bassday sugar deep 35, and nothing much was happoning, the next second a big metre long fish with a huge fork tail breaks the surface, which looked nothing short of a thread fin salmon but i cant be sure, so we starting casting i got a huge hit on my bassday lure and saw a massive tail swirl, then i got an alright tealeaf trevally, we started seeing more and more of thses fish that looked like thread fin, i couldnt believe it, nore could i be sure, then i saw another one i got a cast straight in, nothing happend, a few casts later i was on, well that is until a few seconds after hook up an 80 or so cm trevally broke the surface and busted me off, i had other taps but nothing to good or big.
next spot was the spot i got my jack and nugg came up trumps with a tagged estuary cod, and i caught nothing. nice cod nuggy!
next spot i cast my lure in underneith the tewantin marina i got a good hit and then nothing after that moved on, nothing, came back to the same spot and through a cast right under started bringing in my bassday lure on a medium retrieve the WHACK!!!! a big bream wrapped me round a poll and after a while and some crazy fraying to my leader i got him out and after a bit more off a fight he was on the surface staying very still i said nugg jump down and grab it.....no response nugg..... still no response, he was gone great by this time i had a sweet croud and asked this guy to hold the rod while i camando styled my way over the rail and sky dived a couple of metres onto the floating jetties and slowly lifed a beautiful big bream up to safety, then i set off to find where nugg was gone to and found him got a good pic and she was on her way.
ohhhh and before i got the big one we stopped at a bridge and nuggy got busted off and lost an eco sx40, noooooooo!!!! and i got another nice bream
The end
Cheers David i hoped you liked my story and enjoy the pics