Replace the breathers and ensure the hose from tank to breather is clear. Dont chance any electrical items of fuel unless they are fuel safeor we will be reading about you :S
Replace the breathers and ensure the hose from tank to breather is clear. Dont chance any electrical items of fuel unless they are fuel safeor we will be reading about you :S
Retired Honda Master Tech
G'day Garry
Is the tank in the Edencraft a poly or a fabricated one ? . My custom alloy tank has the filler at the front so I have to use the jockey wheel to raise the front of the trailer at the servo if I want it really full . Have heard of tank baffles with insufficient flow thru causing slow fuelling while the fuel levels out but that is not the problem you describe . Any tank that is at least level should fill right up regardless of the vent line as the air is displaced out the filler neck IMO .
I dont have anyprobs with the Edencraft, I can fill as fast as I want to,
heres a pic anyway
Retired Honda Master Tech
Bugger - sorry Garry - fell for the old trap of looking at the last posters name and not the originators name . Should have known there wouln't be any problem with the Eden . Can't wait for the water to clear and have a crack at them .