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7 day Weather for Iluka??? - Page 2
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Thread: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

  1. #16

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    The Bluff and Frazers could be interesting Rando.

    However, there's plenty of other places to go. The inside of Colless' wall up near the big red and white navigation thingo; between that and the houses a bit further up river was pretty good for flatties, both on bait and softies. We found the best spot for yabbies was past Johnson's Lane, but before where the luderick guys fish.

    Right out near the end of the wall on the inside was pretty good for bream too, but watch the swells. There's some rocks near there a bit closer in on the ocean side that look like they've been specially cut with ledges you can fish off as well.

    Anyway, you probably know all the spots.

    Have a good break.


    Last edited by theoldlegend; 04-01-2008 at 12:03 PM.

  2. #17

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    Just had a look on Austar# weather channel... update says wind abaiting Sat. Sunday SE15knt tending NE 15Knts. Monday Tuesday sunny. Woohoo! shame I'll be back at work!

  3. #18

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    i've already booked and payed for my accom, suppose to leave newcastle on monday for poona on the sandy straits for wednesday (6nights there) its a long drive towing a boat for nothin.. i'll take the risk

  4. #19

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    youngy it'll still be better than work!

  5. #20

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    well said stonecold, too right.

  6. #21

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    Hey Rando, Stonecold I'll be taking the yak down in the hope of fishing around woody and the end of the wall as well as the usual rock fishing.
    Rando I am staying at a Townhouse down there on Angourie st near the boat ramp (not the pub ramp)
    Rain hail or shine I will be out lets hope this is the one time the weather people arent right.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Platinum Member rando's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    I am loading the yak also, It will be my first attempt at kayak fishing, so Ill see how we go.
    Ill have to go steady , the fitness level could be a bit suspect.
    The good thing about Iluka is there is always somewhere you can get a fish.
    Check your PMs

  8. #23

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    woohoo I can see some blue sky! Lots of roads cut however and floodwaters still rising.

  9. #24

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    you say roads are cut, im leaving newcastle tomorow and will probably be staying somewhere near coffs harbour tomorow night, are main roads cut? pacific highway clear through to the border does anybody know or will i be backing the boat into a flooded road to get there?

  10. #25

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    Mate you should be right to get through to coffs tomorrow night. They are expecting the river at Coraki to peak tomorrow arv and woodburn shortly after that. It should have begun to receed by the time you come through but if I hear anything i'll keep you posted. Murwillumbah and the tweed also copped a pizzling with road closures. I'll have a listen to the radio and let you kow shortly.

  11. #26

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    They've just called off the evacuations at Tweed so you should be right there. Kyogles had their biggest flood in half a century. Theyre predicting that water to reach Cassino at midnight tonight and Coraki Tomorrow arv. Roads will be cut between Cassino and the Coast but I havnt heard anythng about the predicted road closures at Woodburn yet. Worst case divert at Grafton and come up through Cassino then up to Murwillumbah.

  12. #27

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    useful info, thanks s.c, got the map in front of me so understand what your explaining, not real familiar with the area up there so your tips, dunno where i'll be stopping o'night yet, when i get tired i spose. thanks again.

  13. #28

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    Coffs is a good stop off point. Not much between there and Woodburn. If i was coming up thats were I'd be aiming for. Once there you'll have an opportunity to assess where the water is and adjust the travel plans accordingly.

  14. #29

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    I can confirm all roads through from the Tweed are open and flowing fine (Highway anyway). Just driven back myself.

    We copped a nice drenching last night at the tweed.... hence the reason i'm now home. Even though it fined up, i'm going to need an extra day or two to dry things out.

  15. #30

    Re: 7 day Weather for Iluka???

    good news, thanks for that topEnder, gives me a bit of peace of mind, do you know if the next 2 weeks should bring decent weather

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