the old lowrance x51 unreliable performance finally gave me the shits enough to go out a buy a new one (humminbird 141c) which i installed a few days ago. Got a chance to get out on the water and suss it out this morning and noticed when above 15-20knots the depths would vary quite a bit and irraticly (and before you say it, i know that the bottom where i was is flat), it also would vary 1-3m when drifting. Now, when i "carefully" removed the old one i didint take much notice to exactly how it was positioned, what sort of angle and position in relation to the bottom of the boat ( 4.6m quintrex escape), pamphlet is a bit vauge so thought someone might be able to help, the transducer is hanging roughly an inch below hull, pretty streamline, few photos cheers fellas,