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Thread: Gs Marine Xtreme

  1. #16

    Re: Gs Marine Xtreme

    Boat shop in Rockhampton claim to be biggest GS dealer in Qld.

  2. #17
    Ausfish Silver Member 2rods's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Gs Marine Xtreme

    As far as I know GS is still getting the extreems made in china then they fit them out here in Darwin. As for warrenty.... don't see there being any issues. and the build quality is as good as any. The people I know with them like them... they are in plauge proportion up here in darwin..LOL

    The other good solid boat to think about is predator (SP)...I know guide with one and he loves it solid as.

    GS can get a bit wet.....but anything will get wet in the right conditions.

  3. #18

    Re: Gs Marine Xtreme

    guday mate, i have got a 6.9 plate boat for sale if your interested can veiw at, bought a smaller boat i can handle on my own, so selling the big girl.

    cheers Paul

  4. #19

    Re: Gs Marine Xtreme


    I'm looking at the same thing at the moment, but the Xtreme 520 torny classic with 140 zuke.

    The missus has given the go ahead under some duress, she said I couldn't have 2 boats but I could have 1 new one. She though i wouldn't sell this one because of all the work I've put into it, but I could easily give it up for the xtreme.

    I was quoted 4 months wait time by Cunninghams with modifications to the standard fitout. Plenty of time to come up with a name for it.

    Their website -

    Ally Jack

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Gs Marine Xtreme

    My mate's is called "SCERIOCIS OF THE RIVER" not bad i thought.Dan.....

  6. #21

    Re: Gs Marine Xtreme

    Yes the hulls are made in China and fitted in Darwin. I'm not sure about the construction with ribs welded to the bottom as apposed to stringer and bulkheads like Fisher and Riptide etc... For the record I have a Fisher and am extremely happy after over 5 years and 450Hrs. All so the Fishers have a proper chine arrangement.

  7. #22

    Re: Gs Marine Xtreme

    Dan 5, seen your mates boat on the fisher website, looks the goods.

    2rods, davo thanks for that info. I am rethinking the xtreme at the moment.
    I really like the layout of the tourny classics, but don't like the idea of spending that kind of money and sending it overseas

    Col at Fisher has a new 520 hull out now, will have to drop around next time I'm down visiting the oldies in Caboolture, see if it's possible for the same in his hull.
    Another plus is it's closer to Gladstone, could easily do a run or 2 during the build

  8. #23
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Gs Marine Xtreme

    Being a boat builder Im fussy when it comes to boats and I built my current boat myself but after looking at many many boats if I was paying someone to build me a plate boat I would only think of 2 builders. Fisher and AMM both have great hulls and consistant quality over a long time and both will custom build. Maybe a bit more expensive and a bit longer wait but worth it also resale on both brands is outstanding.

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