LR have never had maintenance issues...they have vehicles that are very rugged and well engineered but require maintenance. For example they had an ultralight, powerful and quite torquey alloy V8 for decades when everyone else was using heavy cast iron. But because it was allow it needed to be looked after more so than cast iron competitors....a lot of people just didnt get it. They didnt change the coolant at the required intervals (which were several services apart BTW) or they would top up with the wrong coolant - hence they would sludge up or corrode and the whole thing would go pair shaped. The alloy motors make for incredible stock off road performance - walking with ease over objects that would leave the others spinning and running out of twist. But, like anything, if you want the goodies, you have to maintain them. The only thing that let the LR down somewhat - back when they were distributor based ignition systems, was the ignition system. Easily overcome by replacing the Lucas components with Lucas components when required, but I concede that they required replacement too much. The best way to overcome this is to get say a Performance Ignitions Schorcher Dizzy (holden V8 cap and rotor, Ford base, with Australian Bosch HEI module). In the later models they got it right. I have a 95 with the Shorcher ignition - awesome. I have an 02 Disco aswell - it came standard with an awesome ignition and fuel managment system that is the best you can get your mits on - full German Bosch Motronic straight from the 7 series BMW of the same vintage and re-mapped for off road torque etc.
In my 95 I have had no change of drivetrain or engine components at all, save for the dizzy. I just replaced the alternator that lasted 230,000ks. The alternators on LR V8s are huge. The 95 is 100 amp and the 02 model is a 140 amp.
I love the fact that these babies just go and go.