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Have your say! DPI response form 2007 - Page 2
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Thread: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Does anyone remember last survey or data collection by the DPI that increase a rec bag limit or gave rec fisho's more access to fishing areas ??

    Just a thought before i waste some ink & trees.

    My Pennies worth.

  2. #17

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    The 2 'proposed' changes that really got me going is the reduction in Mackerel bag limit for rec fisho's, saying that its necessary for the sustainability of the species, but then they turn around and INCREASE (nearly double) what a commercial can capture, whats the go with that, stupid bunch of hypocrites.

    But in some areas, I do agree with what they want to do, eg, bag limits for Jacks, size limits for queenies etc

  3. #18

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Regardless of the outcome, if you dodn't make the effort to make your views known when the opotunity was give you have absolutly no grounds for complaint.

    You can bet your boots that commercial fishermen will be filling in theirs...... every last one of them.

    Unless we as rec fisho's can make a decent showing of interest, "they" will argue that there wasn't enough interest and support for a different view.

    So get off your bums and fill it in all 24 pages and make your views know......... or shut up and stop your whining regardless of the outcome.

    If we all responded and then our views weren't respected........ then we have good reason to winge good and loud.

    Mine is filled out, in the envelope and i'll post it tomorrow.

    come on fellas get stuck in.


  4. #19

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    hey guys did you know the dpi sent out a questionnaire in 06 to get public feedback on how to develop a management for the inshore fshery...only received 845 responses!!!.the thing that interests me is the format the new response formis in...does a strongly agree answer count for more than just an agree response??

  5. #20

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Precisely....under 900 responses...... cant say I'm surprised.

    So given that as a typical return number if 9 of us put responses in even that is significant.

    regardless of the validity of the questionaire method we need to be responding.

    1/ to make our views known

    2/ and most important to show that we give a $##T.

    If government and the public service dont see "significant concern" on the part of special interest groups ( thats us) they will do what they want.

    Now remember its the squeekiest wheel that gets the most oil.
    You can bet your boots the enviromental lobby squeeks good and loud.
    As does the anti fishing animal liberation lobby... now that is a very squeeky wheel for its size.
    And the commercial industry will be squeeking for its life.

    So stand up and squeek friends..... its the noise that matters.
    We need to make sure aure responses are reasonable but its the making them that is most important.

    we should be able to manage at least 20 or 30 responses from this board.
    I would hope for 100 but I think I would be disapointed.

    I'm starting a new thread just to show support for the responses.... post up there if you have responded.

    I hope the mods will make it sticky.


  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    As pointed out by several members, if you don't respond and have your say, all the changes will simply be implemented !!!!!!!!!
    Too late to whine when that happens. Cynicism can be so negative at times !!

    I can assure you that any significant response to any part of the RIS will be closely looked at.
    an example, a couple years back when Flathead were given the 40 - 70 cm slot size limit. The original proposal was a slot limit of 40 - 60 cm. I believe the comments that came in were genuine and constructive and subsequently the size limit received a slight tweek.
    o.k it was only a minor change but still signicant to anyone that targets flathead for a feed.

    Make an effort, I believe nothing is set in stone until the process has run it's full course.

    Personally, I think the proposal of 50 spotty mackerel (per day) as "bycatch" for the pro's is absurd !! Dare I say it, could we slip back to the dark old days of ring netting as I'm sure you could make a living off 50 well looked after 3kg+ Spotted Mackerel fetching up to $5 a kilo??

    C'mon you blokes, get a copy of this thing and have a read of it. Have your say before it is too late !!!


  7. #22

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Done and dusted online and given my views
    I went online soon as the brought the Propose Changes in LOL that word rolls off ya tonge Proposed
    CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)

    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot

    I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges

    Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)

  8. #23
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Yes Big Donk.

    Picked one up yesterday at B.C.F. front counter.

    Had a good look through it and i must agree with some of the proposed changes.

    My problem with the documents' is that we are all given the opportunity to respond to the commercial side of the netting industry of which i know very little.

    As for rec. fishing i have been around for a few years and have caught almost every salt and freshwater fish in this country and as such feel capable of making a considered response to the rec. fishing content.

    Having said that i know little or nothing about the commercial side of the industry
    and as indicated in the documents we all have the opportunity to respond to the whole document.

    I don't agree with that option.

    Allow the pros and the people who should know their job to make some of the more obscure decisions.

    Another thing mentioned is that some common species don't get a mention for size or bag limits eg. moses perch, snapper.

    Some of the suggested sizes are too small, estuary cod now 35 up to 40
    not enough, make it 50 and you have a decent fish.

    I have not seen any mention of "in possession limits." Only bag limits.
    Not good enough.

    We definately need possession limits on whiting and most table
    rec. fish catches. We must stop the freezer brigade who do take too many.

    Gone are the days when we could legitamely catch hundreds of winter whiting and because we knocked up filleting call in the local kids to take some home.

    I still haven't come to understand this document, there seem to be some changes suggested and in other cases no change.

    Should be an exciting time for a while.

    Have fun Haji-Baba

  9. #24

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    If you don't have an educated or firm opinion on a matter, thats waht the middle option is for.....neither agree or disagree.
    It would be reasonable to add in the comments informed opinion or such.

    But make sure you fill in every question amd make your views known on the matters that you have a firm & informed opinion.

    Anybody running surveys makes provision for a no opinion choice, but ic cant obviously appear that way.


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