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Have your say! DPI response form 2007
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Thread: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

  1. #1

    Exclamation Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    fello ausfishers,
    THe Queensland government and DPI has bought out a questionnaire form on what we think about the following:
    1)bag limit size
    2)size limits on fish (not all fish species mentioned)
    3)sharks and rays
    4)dugon areas for netting closures
    5)netting for rec and comercial users
    6)numbers of spotty mackerel and taylor caught by commercial fishing
    I got this form from the local tackle store but i like to have my say on the views above..... just a heads up people! I'm passionate about my fishing and like to have a say on the future of the recreational and commercial fishing.....

    P.S. im not a tree hippy:grin:

    cheers Marcus (BD)
    Last edited by bigdonk; 28-12-2007 at 08:42 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Thanks Bigdonk, can bet there will be plenty of tree hippies filling them out, just like they do do with the recfishing questionair now that it has nothing to do with it being an honest and random crossection but one that is easily used and abused by radicals to skew the data toward tree hugging hippies and aginst recfisherman, will suit the DPI mindset down to the ground.

    cheers fnq

  3. #3
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    C'mon fnq, even one as cynical as you knows how these things work...
    It doesnt matter about the legitimacy or accuracy of these questionnaire's as long as the protocol is followed.
    Afterwards the spin will be that the consultation process with the fisherpeople of queensland was a resounding success..and that the new(probably already predetermined) plan will benefit us all .

    You know it and I know it's just a taxpayer funded wank.
    Last edited by disorderly; 28-12-2007 at 08:21 PM.

  4. #4

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    He he, Me Cynical, I don't I really......

  5. #5
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    The RIS is associated with the New Inshore Finfish Reg's and Changes.
    50% of Qld rec fishos wont get a copy or couldnt be bothered filling one out.
    20% will get a copy and that will be as far as it goes.
    30% will actually get a copy and return it.
    And not all in DPi have the mind set some of you think.
    So now its up to you, wether you like or dislike the changes, or have something constructive to say.
    So dont whinge some distance down the track, when these changes are in force that you dont like them.

  6. #6

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    So exactly where do we get a coppy of this questionare.

    Come on chaps..... there are more of us fishing types than tree hugging hippies... so we had better get about it and out number them.


  7. #7

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    There was a bit about this in the Courier Mail yesterday (I think).

    The article listed some of the proposed changes to bag limits and MLL's and even with my very limited knowledge, I didn't think the proposals were too bad actually.


  8. #8

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    I agree with most of the changes and can see that 6they can contribute to long term sustanability of our fisheries unlike the draconian restrictions touted by the EPA.
    I would like to see Bream MLL up to 25cm but have been told that it would cost the CQ pro's too much to change ther nets. Perhaps a phased in change over 3-5 years would work

    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  9. #9

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Ther is a good reason to keep bream at 230mm..... because it is the same a whiting and a couple of other popular fish and has been at the 9" mark for a very long time.

  10. #10

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    here is where it all is.


  11. #11

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    hi guys i got mine from _mart all sports... or check the web site as old boot says....


  12. #12
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    6)numbers of spotty mackerel and taylor caught by commercial fishing
    How many spotty mackerel and taylor do the commercial guys catch each year? How could I answer that without knowing the answer to that question? More importantly, how many people will answer a question like that without knowning the facts?

  13. #13

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Take note of what the man says.

    The man is Webby. Listen to what he says.


  14. #14

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by theoldlegend View Post
    Take note of what the man says.

    The man is Webby. Listen to what he says.

    Spot on TOL and Webby ... Guys, if you don't fill out he survey, you have absolutely nothing to complain about.


  15. #15

    Re: Have your say! DPI response form 2007

    I've downloaded & printed my form & i'm half way thru filling mine out....I'll post mine.

    I like the idea of hard coppy, a real person has to handle it and read it......I think they also have to respond.

    who else has done theirs.


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