I didn't blame the dealer??? That is why I didn't post up who it was..not fair on them with only 1 side of the story.
I know how the warranty system works as I was a service manager in a large national company a few years ago... I also know that if the dealer goes into bat for the owner of the equipment it can make all the difference.
The water pump would have been checked at the 100hr service as it was done by the dealer (as far as I know).
The other point to note with the location of the boat is that it's a 300km drive to get to the nearest dealer...and 300kms home again.....so there is no way the dealer would ever know the boat and motor in question....plus the FACT that the NT has the highest number of boats per capita in Australia.....that alone would make knowing the history of a motor hard...
I am not trying to blame anyone just see if it has happened to anyone else... something just seems off to me?
The $4000 was handed over because he just wanted his boat back...he is a fisherman just like us and wanted to fish.....it had been in the yard for a long time....3months I think...while trying to sort out what happened and who was paying for it.....in the end he just said bugger it...pay the $$$ and trade it in on the honda... if it was mine I would be still there parked out the front with a sign on the boat telling all the people who would listen what happened.