Took the lad, master 5, out for spot of crabbin.
Passed him a whiting rod to pass the time whilst we waited to pull the crabs nets up. He immediately began hauling aboard pinky snapper after pinky snapper. I took the oppurtunity to get him his first fish on ( sorry boys ) soft plastics. Ooooh horrible words. Which he promptly did .
Well I spotted the cheapy ($30.00 ebay ) fly rod which is a permanent fixture on the boat with a rather crude all flash bms ( tied by Dad) attached.
Anyway the lad nails his first fish on fly, a pinky snapola, his casting is not great, but his stripping, hooking, playing and landing of the fish are all first rate. Well the apple doesnt fall far at all![]()
Out of about 5 casts he manages 3 snapper.
Hes on the board.
I dunno whose happier..... who woulda thought so much pleasure could come from such tiny fish...![]()