Hello everyone, here's hoping you have all had a safe and fantastic Christmas. Just thought I would share with you the latest addition to my family. For those who know me you will remember the fun I had getting my first boat seaworthy and the fun times that I have had over the last year in it. To date the largest snapper I have caught at 73cms is still my PB which was caught in my beloved #2. There comes a time however when you feel that it is time to upgrade to something better which is exactly what I did. I had searched for a long time through many a boating sales outlet but ended up deciding value for money, that the Blue Fins rated well against the oppositions. I wanted something economical but still big enough to take the wife and two kids out but not too big to manage on my own on those days when I am on holidays and everyone else is working. So the answer for me was a Blue Fin Discovery 4.0 runabout with a new 40hp 2 stroke Mercury. Can't wait for a break in this crappy weather to actually water test it. Took delivery of it last Friday. Note the Ausfish stickers are already on it.Thanks to Theo and the gang at Mr.T's once again for fantastic service.