Hi guys,
I've just fitted a new 60EFI Four Stroke Big Foot to my 5m Hooker. The boat was originally powered by a two stroke 75, so HP wasn't an issue. Now that I've switched over to the Four Stroke I'm wanting peoples opinion on the motor setup as I am trying to achieve the best setup possible. I know the 60 will never have the sting as the 75 but I want the motor to be as efficient as possible. At present the motor is on the third set of holes from the top down and the cav plate is 25mm below the bottom of the hull when motor is fully trimmed in. I am spinning a 13 and one quarter by 14" pitch S/S Vengence Prop as a test prop. At present the motor had only 4.5 hours on it. At 4500rpm I am getting around 17-19knots cruise depending on conditions. When the throttle is opened up I can pull 5600rpm at 25-27knots. I find the boat now is a lot more sensitive to trim and that when winding on the throttle out to around 4500rpm there is a lot of water being sprayed up the leg and bottom of cowl. These test runs were all done in the ocean in about 10-15knots conditions, 100L of fuel, 160L esky filled half with water as ballast load, and two people at around 160kg combined. I found coming home today whilst punching through chop the motor would drop around 200-300rpm depending on size of wave. This was cruising at 4400-4500rpm at around 15-18knts. My questions are do I raise the motor up a hole to see if I can stop the water spray or do I just live with trimming the motor out? And would do I change props or wait for the motor to loosen up to pick up a few more revs?