I am not scientist and I am no politician, I am a regular fisho with regular income and a average outlook on life and have standard expectations. I also have a proposal for Moreton Bay.The uneducated proposal
I will attempt to keep this as brief as I can.
Given the facts that:-
The fishery is in No danger
The DPI&F are the fishery managers
The EPA should be protecting the Environment
The problem in the bay is pollution
The current Labor Government are Green
The AMCS are a Government funded lobby group
The Bay recreational fishos are Greener than the Greens
The Bay Commercial Industry sends 2/3rds of their catch interstate
The majority of small boat owners do not have a GPS to find zones.
I propose that:-
All Moreton Bay is zoned Yellow.
All areas of live coral and identified nursery reefs to a depth of 2 mtrs be Green Zoned
All Rivers and Estuaries to be zoned Yellow.
All offshore areas currently zoned for protection be Olive Zones
All Dugong habitat ( seagrass ) areas to be Go-Slow and inforced.
All commercial vessels to have prop-guards fitted.
The Commercial Fishing Fleet be reduced by 2/3rds ( this will have NO impact on the supply to SEQ Wholesalers )
The EPA be responsible and accountable for the Protection of the Environment and Water Ways in regard to pollution from mainland activities.
The way I see it is that on ABC radio just over a week ago, a Seafood Industry representative said that the Recreational Fishos take more from the bay than the Pro’s. Those comments are devisive and self interest orientated. Whether we take more from the bay than the pro’s is NOT the point, we rec guys catch a feed or practice catch & release for US and the pro’s flog 2/3rds of their catch interstate. We fish for pleasure and time on the water and maybe a feed should that come our way, not for personal gain.
This plan allows for continued sustainability for the recreational Fisho and Pro, it also makes the EPA accountable and also allows the DPI&F to continue in their designated role as Moreton Bay Fishery managers. It also makes for easy understanding by small boat owners and officials alike. I am reminded of system that was drummed into me as a youngster. K.I.S.S.
Keep It Simple Stupid. That is a format for the majority and it works.
I look forward to your replies both positive and constructively negative.