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ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal
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Thread: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

  1. #1

    ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    The uneducated proposal
    I am not scientist and I am no politician, I am a regular fisho with regular income and a average outlook on life and have standard expectations. I also have a proposal for Moreton Bay.

    I will attempt to keep this as brief as I can.

    Given the facts that:-

    The fishery is in No danger
    The DPI&F are the fishery managers
    The EPA should be protecting the Environment
    The problem in the bay is pollution
    The current Labor Government are Green
    The AMCS are a Government funded lobby group
    The Bay recreational fishos are Greener than the Greens
    The Bay Commercial Industry sends 2/3rds of their catch interstate
    The majority of small boat owners do not have a GPS to find zones.

    I propose that:-

    All Moreton Bay is zoned Yellow.
    All areas of live coral and identified nursery reefs to a depth of 2 mtrs be Green Zoned
    All Rivers and Estuaries to be zoned Yellow.
    All offshore areas currently zoned for protection be Olive Zones
    All Dugong habitat ( seagrass ) areas to be Go-Slow and inforced.
    All commercial vessels to have prop-guards fitted.
    The Commercial Fishing Fleet be reduced by 2/3rds ( this will have NO impact on the supply to SEQ Wholesalers )
    The EPA be responsible and accountable for the Protection of the Environment and Water Ways in regard to pollution from mainland activities.

    The way I see it is that on ABC radio just over a week ago, a Seafood Industry representative said that the Recreational Fishos take more from the bay than the Pro’s. Those comments are devisive and self interest orientated. Whether we take more from the bay than the pro’s is NOT the point, we rec guys catch a feed or practice catch & release for US and the pro’s flog 2/3rds of their catch interstate. We fish for pleasure and time on the water and maybe a feed should that come our way, not for personal gain.

    This plan allows for continued sustainability for the recreational Fisho and Pro, it also makes the EPA accountable and also allows the DPI&F to continue in their designated role as Moreton Bay Fishery managers. It also makes for easy understanding by small boat owners and officials alike. I am reminded of system that was drummed into me as a youngster. K.I.S.S.

    Keep It Simple Stupid. That is a format for the majority and it works.

    I look forward to your replies both positive and constructively negative.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member Tetsuo's Avatar
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    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    Sounds good to me Chilli. I would also add better enforcement of size and bag limits to that of go slow zones. There are many ways to protect the bay without shutting it down.

    I don't anchor and I release all fish but I wouldn't deny fellow fishers a fresh feed. There are a lot of people doing the right thing by moreton bay and it would be a shame to punish them

  3. #3

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    Thanks for your input Chilli,

    It's refreshingly simple to look at your line by line views, perhaps we can't see the forest for the trees which is why it is good to see your synopsis as such.

    What I want to see is more fishos catch the message that you very obviously have. We cannot continue to have a mediocre or apathetic approach to this. We cannot let our very Green flavoured government make unquantified and unsubstantiated changes, without challenge. That's the message!!! And we don't have to be scientists or too politically astute to figure this one out. We have minority parties carrying that flag, it would be good for all of us to consider what they are doing very closely. Thanks for detailing it as you have.

    Last edited by Scalem; 24-12-2007 at 02:30 PM.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    The problem with very good and practical ideas like yours Chilli is that it is simple and practical and even logical but you haven't used any scientists qualifications,and you do not have a degree or show support from any recognised environmental group so it will sadly be dumped.
    That being said it's great to see some fisho's taking it seriously by taking the time to put ideas like this together, if enough are submitted at least they (anti's) are looking over their shoulder.
    Someone made a comment a while back about our numbers being small compared to the Greens, well that is just not the case they appear to be a huge organisation but in reality there are very few but very well organised and very militant.
    If fishos got organised by themselves they would be many times their number but combined with other environment users they would crush them.

  5. #5

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal


    The actual facts re where the commercial catch from the MBMP goes is as follows:

    70% to SEQ consumers
    20% to rest of Queensland
    Just over 9% goes interstate
    Less than 1% is exported

    Source: most recent independent study (Fenton, 2001), no indication of any significant change since then.


  6. #6

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    I don't want yellow zone everywhere. I like to fish more than one rod at a time usually.

    Really, what is the point of yellow zones? 1 rod or three ain't gunna make any difference to fish stocks anyway. They are at sustainable levels already and most rec fishoes release more than they catch anyway including me

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  7. #7

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    The problem with Chilli's proposal is that it is too sensible, logical, practical and too easy.

    Therefore it will never do for politicians and public servants. I wish that it would.

  8. #8

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    As I said, I am no scientist but I read this from the MBAA proposal. page 51

    A mail survey was designed and distributed to wholesale seafood businesses. These businesses were initially identified via the commercial fisher survey and with the assistance of the Queensland Seafood Marketers Association (QSMA). The total number of seafood wholesalers who received product from the MBMP was identified as being over 50 which included interstate businesses. However of these, there were only 16 local wholesale businesses that handled any quantity of product and given the limited timeframe of this survey these were the businesses focussed on. A small number of fresh-fish retailers were interviewed face to face.

    My maths is bad I suppose. It still states that a lot of seafood is going interstate. I stand corrected..............but your data is 6 years old at least Grant. We should surely be using up to the minute research wherever possible.

    Jeremy, asks what is the point on Yellow Zones..... ? Check the Legend in the proposal......find the first NO, and look left to what it refers to. But I do like your point Jeremy, which is MY point. I just think the whole thing can be simplified, as it is not mandatory to carry the green zone map/ chart OR a GPS unit.

    Thanks for the input so far people.
    Last edited by Mod11; 24-12-2007 at 08:02 PM.

  9. #9

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    Just re-read Grants % for pro's. So nearly 30% goes out of the area. OK, reduce the com fleet by that figure ??

    Given the sustainability of rec fishing, we could ask for a change in Yellow zones from 1 to 2 rods ?

    I will make my submission to the EPA and state that my submission is based on my personal opinion, which is exactly what the AMCS and ACC submissions were made on and NOT science and commonsense.


  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Feb 2006

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy View Post
    I don't want yellow zone everywhere. I like to fish more than one rod at a time usually.

    Really, what is the point of yellow zones? 1 rod or three ain't gunna make any difference to fish stocks anyway. They are at sustainable levels already and most rec fishoes release more than they catch anyway including me

    Exactly. If the bag limit allows 5 snapper/squire, how does it make a difference if you one rod or 3, with one hook, or as many as you like to catch the bag limit?

  11. #11

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal


    Why the need to make the whole bay Yellow or is that your way of saying no commercial fishing! I personaly don't like yellow zones for the same reasion as Jeremy & Grunter. I also think that Yellow this round will be Green next round. Have a look at the Barrier reef marine park and way most of the original Yellowes are now Green. IMO we have to fight as hard as we can against all additional zones.


  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    while chillis idea may seem like a good one, it's not even worth reading because the lines have already been drawn, a looong time ago. we can put up all the greatest ideas known to man & they don't mean squat.... the fight started a long time ago & people having separate ideas & not joining as one group is the problem. doesn't matter what you say you will be ignored..
    the EPA is going after what they want & unless we can stand in some form of a united front we will lose a lot of they bay.
    all these extra ideas sound like a bunch of pissed blokes at a BBQ, carry on & do absolutely nothing, not even align with the mob that is doing something, & when it fails say 'well I new that was going to happen'. they add nothing to the defense except create a more disunified front than we already are.

    If you are not prepared to support the group that is trying to do something, YOU need to come up with the money, an alternate/better plan & a whole lot of supporters & scientists that agree with you & launch a whole new attack.... or shut the **** up & let those that are prepared to put up, go about their business of trying to save YOUR fishing areas..

  13. #13

    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by DR View Post
    while chillis idea may seem like a good one, it's not even worth reading because the lines have already been drawn, a looong time ago. we can put up all the greatest ideas known to man & they don't mean squat.... the fight started a long time ago & people having separate ideas & not joining as one group is the problem. doesn't matter what you say you will be ignored..
    the EPA is going after what they want & unless we can stand in some form of a united front we will lose a lot of they bay.
    all these extra ideas sound like a bunch of pissed blokes at a BBQ, carry on & do absolutely nothing, not even align with the mob that is doing something, & when it fails say 'well I new that was going to happen'. they add nothing to the defense except create a more disunified front than we already are.

    If you are not prepared to support the group that is trying to do something, YOU need to come up with the money, an alternate/better plan & a whole lot of supporters & scientists that agree with you & launch a whole new attack.... or shut the **** up & let those that are prepared to put up, go about their business of trying to save YOUR fishing areas..
    In other words, We can have an opinion "just dont tell anyone if it's different to DR,s". We shouldn't make comments or voice our concerns if they differ from DR's!! You're my hero mate and I like the way you get people to join your solid front against the enemy by telling them to "shut the **** up".
    With people like you fighting for our rights I'm going to be looking for a new fishing spot....
    Keep up the good work.......
    Love P.Garett

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by Chubbstar View Post

    In other words, We can have an opinion "just dont tell anyone if it's different to DR,s". We shouldn't make comments or voice our concerns if they differ from DR's!! You're my hero mate and I like the way you get people to join your solid front against the enemy by telling them to "shut the **** up".
    With people like you fighting for our rights I'm going to be looking for a new fishing spot....
    Keep up the good work.......
    Love P.Garett

    you are more than welcome to have as many different opinions to me as you wish...give me a viable alternative to the one offered. i don't mean an opinion, which only serves to divide, i mean something solid such as a large bank account & supporters base with scientific opinions that can stand up & the scientists to support those opinions & can match the Labor govt, the greens & the EPA.

    no mate it's people like you not fighting for our fishing spots by doing nothing but complain, if those that have an alternate opinion can put their money & their mouths where their opinions are you can then give us an alternative to follow.
    if your not smart enough to work out that we are in the fishing shit & the opposition are so far more advanced to what we are as fishers & no amount of personal 'all or nothing' type attitudes will ever get anywhere , we might as well give it away because we are never, ever going to get all or nothing...
    the MBBA is offering a chance, whether we choose to take it is up to each individual,

    So if you are going to save the bay,don't keep it secret too much longer, you need to get your arse into get & get your alternative plan up & running asap, it is probably too late anyway this has been happening for a while now..

    truth is we will probably get flogged anyway as we have too many differing opinions & all will never agree totally, my problem is i hate golf..

    anyway, opinions are like arseholes, we all have one!

  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: ALTERNATIVE ZONING a fishos proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by DR View Post
    you are more than welcome to have as many different opinions to me as you wish...give me a viable alternative to the one offered. i don't mean an opinion, which only serves to divide, i mean something solid such as a large bank account & supporters base with scientific opinions that can stand up & the scientists to support those opinions & can match the Labor govt, the greens & the EPA.

    no mate it's people like you not fighting for our fishing spots by doing nothing but complain, if those that have an alternate opinion can put their money & their mouths where their opinions are you can then give us an alternative to follow.
    if your not smart enough to work out that we are in the fishing shit & the opposition are so far more advanced to what we are as fishers & no amount of personal 'all or nothing' type attitudes will ever get anywhere , we might as well give it away because we are never, ever going to get all or nothing...
    the MBBA is offering a chance, whether we choose to take it is up to each individual,

    So if you are going to save the bay,don't keep it secret too much longer, you need to get your arse into get & get your alternative plan up & running asap, it is probably too late anyway this has been happening for a while now..

    truth is we will probably get flogged anyway as we have too many differing opinions & all will never agree totally, my problem is i hate golf..

    anyway, opinions are like arseholes, we all have one!
    No need for any research or anything else..the Minister for DPI&F has already stated that the size and bag limits have maintained sustainability.

    Obviously you think that we should all accept the MBAA findings? support from me.

    What does the EPA offer?..closures
    What does the MBAA offer?..closures.

    As for the big bank account..the MBAA had already used some of mine..Federal Govt grant.

    Why should I support anyone that proposes green zones when I am anti same. I do not want any therefore I will not support the MBAA. As far as I can see is a sellout. They even have a radical green in their midst..Mr Baltais.

    Once green zones are in place they will never be reversed…all that will happen is that when they come up for review again they will just expand on what they already have.

    As I have said previously, once Bligh became Premier it was all done and dusted as she is from the left faction.

    Regardless of what proposals the EPA put into place, I will never agree that any green zones are necessary for Moreton Bay at all.

    Please inform me as to what chance the MBAA is offering rec fishos????

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