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No Bull....@ Noosa
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Thread: No Bull....@ Noosa

  1. #1

    No Bull....@ Noosa

    Over the last few days I have turned to the dark side and put away the lures and chased jacks on live poddies.I know there are bigger fish in this creek I have been hitting but getting them to hit a lure is prooving difficult at the moment.
    I have caught about 10 baby jacks about 25cm a piece but no big ones.
    After throwing out live poddies a new problem emerged...BITE OFFS... .
    Knowing exactly what the culprits would be I returned the next day with a new plan.Small length of single strand wire and a small bobby cork.
    Sure enough after a small wait the bobby cork dissappears and bang I am on...No bite offs this time... .....and after a great fight in tight country a nasty little Bull shark emerges.....God they are aggressive little Ba$tards.... .
    The next day was a repeat of the first with another Bull landed which was slightly bigger.
    I know... not the glamour species that the Jacks are but it is great fun fighting these very agro little sharks.
    Interesting when you tell people about them and everyone says 'I hope you killed them'.....and when I say 'NO I let them go' people look at you horrified.
    Gotta explain to some people that they are in their natural environment and have every right to be there.....However I certainly wouldnt be swimming in any creeks around Noosa.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar
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    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    They're bigger than what I thought Pete.
    If they're in that creek, they'd be in every creek in our system for sure.


  3. #3

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    Woah!!! Thanks for the heads up. Great fun on light line i bet.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    I can't think of any creek or river between the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast that wouldn't have them. Seeing these has just confirmed my thoughts. No creek/river/canal swimming for me, I have an allergy to shark bites.

    I know... not the glamour species that the Jacks are but it is great fun fighting these very agro little sharks
    Why do you think that is? Poor eating quality, or just reasonably easy to catch? Because as you say they do put up a reasonable fight.
    Last edited by Fafnir; 21-12-2007 at 01:24 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    Quote Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
    I can't think of any creek or river between the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast that wouldn't have them. Seeing these has just confirmed my thoughts. No creek/river/canal swimming for me, I have an allergy to shark bites.

    Why do you think that is? Poor eating quality, or just reasonably easy to catch? Because as you say they do put up a reasonable fight.
    Well they are a less desirable species....Put it this way I would rather a 60cm Jack over a shark.....BUT in saying that they are great fighters and great fun.
    YES I agree they are in every creek and river around.....Apparently there is a 4 foot Bull Shark swimming around the Noosa Waters Canals right now and the council is placing Nets in there to try and catch it......
    I always laugh at this kind of stuff......They seriously believe there is Just one shark in there......There are plenty more than just one.....


  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Fish_gutz's Avatar
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    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    nice sharkies pete they go ok on light gear. a mate of mine was pulling one out of the pine last summer when a bigger one came up and bit the smaller bully in half!!

  7. #7

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    its amazing what water holds these little fiestys, yet if u said to someone there sharks in there theyd tell u otherwise lol

    what are they like to eat at that size ???

  8. #8

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    Great read pete.

  9. #9

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    Quote Originally Posted by masterdusky View Post
    its amazing what water holds these little fiestys, yet if u said to someone there sharks in there theyd tell u otherwise lol

    what are they like to eat at that size ???
    No idea what they eat like...?...and I dont really fancy eating one.
    I dont know if I would eat anything out of those small creeks...


  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    ya gotta watch the way you handle bullies, they are the only shark that can bite there tail.\
    granted they are fun on light line. if cared for, they can be awesome chewing too. i barrel them straight away, being careful to keep the gut intact, they have a bile sack or somthing that will spoil the flesh.
    awesome for thai curry's and the like, to eat just as a fillet they are a bit sort of dry and chewy

  11. #11

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    good stuff! I'm guessing the smaller bullies would be a good feed fresh?

    Quick question. I wouldn't mind targeting a *small* bullie from the yak... would they take SP's or is live bait a must? <-- a few fishing yarns and general family blog
    Gone fishin' ... back at dark-thirty!

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Didley's Avatar
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    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    Quick question. I wouldn't mind targeting a *small* bullie from the yak... would they take SP's or is live bait a must?[/quote]
    I was talking to a small bullie’s mum the other day she’s thinking of targeting a small bloke on a yak, maybe I can get U two together.

  13. #13

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    Quote Originally Posted by xerubus View Post
    good stuff! I'm guessing the smaller bullies would be a good feed fresh?

    Quick question. I wouldn't mind targeting a *small* bullie from the yak... would they take SP's or is live bait a must?
    mmmm....I dont know if Id like one on my yak...
    I reckon it would be much worse than a mackeral......They thrash around quite savagely and have some serious teeth.....Get yourself some lip grippers if you mant to give it a shot.....They will hit lures but I reckon the bait is better in the creeks especially when a bit dirty as their sense of smell is great and they will find a smelly poddy mullet easy.


  14. #14

    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    thanks didley....

    cheers Pete. I wouldn't bring one on the yak... theory is that i'd stay close enough to the shore to be able to paddle back and fight from terra firma. lip grips .. check. gaff.. check. <-- a few fishing yarns and general family blog
    Gone fishin' ... back at dark-thirty!

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member nuggstar's Avatar
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    Re: No Bull....@ Noosa

    awsome pete. love ya work
    figjam :wink:

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