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Fishing Townsville
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Thread: Fishing Townsville

  1. #1

    Fishing Townsville

    I'm heading up north over the break and are staying on Magnetic Island for 5 days. We'll have 5m boat and plan on heading out. I was wondering if the Townsville population here on Ausfish may be able to share a bit of local knowledge. Not expecting any secret spots to be given but just a general idea of what might be worth having a crack at around the island. Its my first time there so I really have no idea. Thanks

  2. #2

    Re: Fishing Townsville

    start by looking at this

    hopefully some of the locaks will chime in

    mean time...... better get stuck into those arm exercises .


  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Fishing Townsville

    Whatscrackin mate the first thing I would do is get a green zone chart talk to a couple of tackle stores
    places to try include the channel markers with metal slices-mackeral
    west point -fingermark (live squid) trevally mackeral
    orchard rocks -fingermark trevally
    middle reef but watch it it is very shallow -anything
    land based the jetty at picnic bay pelagics with livies
    you could go out further and find the maggie shoals -hmm red fish
    thats probably enough to get you out of trouble

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Fishing Townsville

    oh yeah if you're bringing crab pots try alligator and crocodile creek across the bay while the pots are soaking have a try trolling for macks at cape cleveland and salamander reef worth a drop with some baits or plackies at salamander as well night time of cape cleveland with live squid for fingermark hint don't put the rod in the holder have drag right up and hang on with heavy gear

  5. #5

    Re: Fishing Townsville

    Stuie's got the good oil there. Definately give middle reef a go and the reef along the eastern side of maggie, just becareful as it does get very shallow.

    As stuie said, you can't go past the channel markers for some doggy and spotty macks, just cruise up to each beacon a drift past, casting slugs and slices, no hits? just move to the next beacon, when you hook up do a couple of passes and try for another.

    best time for fingermark, is night, on a new moon, hang a light over the side and scoop up any live squid, stick a hook in it and send it straight back down.

    Really, your options are endless, middle reef is also an ok spot for the odd coral trout so I've been told, Horseboy caught one there just last weekend (see estuary reports).

    Definately get hold of a green zone map, they are free from the local tackle stores, so there's no excuse for not having one. Analyse it and it will give approx locations of reefs, many whch are accessible in the boat you own. Just be careful aroung maggie, as there are a few bays that do hold heps of fish, but are now zoned green or yellow (green is no fishing, yellow is 1 line with 1 hook attached).

    I personally haven't fish much around maggie, but am just starting to get to know the place (only got a boat licence 6 months ago). But with Maggie being such a central spot for all the different types of fishing, you won't be short of places to go, whether, its estuary, reef, pelagics that floats your boat.


  6. #6

    Re: Fishing Townsville

    Thanks for the info fellas. Plenty of options there to have a go at. I'm chomping at the bit to get up there.

  7. #7

    Re: Fishing Townsville

    Oh also, best and most comfortable fishing will be done either early morning and late afternoon. I normally start at about 4-5am in the morning and fish till about 10am (gets really hot and humid after this) and start in the arvo about 3 til whenever the fish stop biting, after 3, it starts to cool and there are plenty of sheltered area (western side of maggie for one) that will get you out of the wind.

    And the reefs I mentioned along the Eastern side of maggie, better make it the western side. There probably are reefs along the eastern side but dont know myself, haven't fished that side.

    You could also head to Bay rock and the Rattlesnake Island group as well for mackeral and loads of other species, but pick your day as the RAAF use it for target practice. You can get this info from the local paper as they advertise when they will be there and tell every one to keep away.

  8. #8

    Re: Fishing Townsville

    Phillips reef and Cordelia rock (either side of acheron island) inside the Defence forces bombing area are both very reliable for pelagics, trout and reds at the right times. Usual rules apply re: shallows, water temps, currents and pressure points so study your charts (look for wiggly depth contours as this usually indicates some sort of structure) There are many popular inshore options and often your only limitation is wind direction and distance from your launch site - thankfully there are plenty of these too.
    Any fishing is good fishing (should probably say Any fishing is...probably going to be illegal soon)

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