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FM Radio for Boat
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Thread: FM Radio for Boat

  1. #1

    FM Radio for Boat

    I have been eyeing off one of those GME GR1OO radios (think thats their proper name).
    More or less waterproof but overall nice and basic also small. Is this the only one on the market of the same design and does it do well what what it says it does, I have been looking around the net but cannot find a competing brand or model, I don't want a CD player or need a stereo when all is said and done just some radio station tunes and news etc every now and then but it must be from a flushmounted unit.

    thanks fnq
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 19-12-2007 at 12:20 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Gday fnq,

    I've put one of them in one of my tractors. They are basic and and work really well. Should be just what you're after.


  3. #3

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    I tried a couple of different radios in the past and ended up just using a protable that I can take out and store out of the Weather if need be, but I do believe that they are OK and it is convenient to always be there!

  4. #4

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Ok thanks for the advice I will grab one, will try wireing aerial straight to the hull for something different, like advised in another thread here - top idea!!

    cheers fnq

  5. #5

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Mate they are great put one in mine and i didn't flush mount it i could of but i put it in a great accesible position and works brialliantly i did go with a fiberglass 6 foot arial thou just to match in with my GME 600 VHF
    I think the unit was $100 and arial $50 from memory
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  6. #6

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Scot had em both my last boat and in this one... if your runing either a vhf or 27 meg just buy a band splitter to run it off the same antena... too easy... get yaself an mp3 player with fm transmitter and listen to ya own music

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  7. #7
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    I bought that model a year or so back,scott.
    Had a look at some cd players and figured the same as you.I just want to sometimes listen to a few tunes and the news,mainly at night.
    I might even get around to installing it one day.

    Hey Gary,
    I also just bought an icom vhf radio.
    I'll get a band splitter to run the radio and vhf from the one ariel .
    Should I run seperate wiring from each radio back to the battery or can i run both on the same wires.
    Also what is the most suitable wire to ask for ?.


  8. #8

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Scott you can run both radios from the 1 wire as long as it can cope with the amp draw and has the approriate fuse. If you use 4mm twin core with a 10 amp fuse you will be fine

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Mar 2006

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Had one in my boat for a couple of years. You may find it hard to get too many FM stations once out on the reef, I usually end up with ABC or JJJ (? I think). I have had the aerial from a splitter for a while. Did have a do it yourself "tape to the wind screen" aerial from Dick smith, but it corroded at the end of the stick to glass bit. Funnily enough I still received the ABC or JJJ anyway !


  10. #10

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Have got mine in exactly the same place as jtpython. I run mine off my 27mhz antenna using a splitter. Works a treat.
    Gold Coast

  11. #11

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Thanks for all the replies, I tried to find one yesterday but no luck, I need a black one but they are rare so will order one special, feel confident now that if I do cut the hole to fit, the unit will do the job

    I only have a VHF and am wary over placing a splitter on that line, no real knowledge on this just reports I have heard over time about them not doing the job they should, plan to fit a 27meg later so possibly a splitter then.

    thanks again for the replies.

    cheers fnq
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 20-12-2007 at 08:54 AM.

  12. #12

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    Quote Originally Posted by FNQCairns View Post
    am wary over placing a splitter on that line
    I have the GR100 too. Its good for what it is. Im only using the internal speaker and its adaquate for a bit of music to break the silence. Its nice and compact and it makes it easy to mount.

    For the antenna, I went to Dick Smith (or Jaycar etc) and bought a car stereo antenna plug for a few bucks and connected 1metre of wire to the centre pin and just ran that along in my wiring loom behind the dash. It works perfectly all around Sydney and 10 miles out (havent tried further yet)


  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member fsh00's Avatar
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    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    I put a splitter on with my vhf and had no drama, both work fine.
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  14. #14

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    FNQ, I have one of these also, in conjunction with a 27 meg NAVMAN and GME VHF each unit has its own aerial. The GR100 uses one of those rubber ducky aerials, the stubby black ones. All work a treat now after some initital heart ache. All units are flush mounted in my boat which is plate. The GME's being mounted one on top of the other.

    As others have said the sound from the internal speaker is more than sufficent unless its a water sports boom box your after.

  15. #15

    Re: FM Radio for Boat

    If you are worried about your VHF, instead of getting a band splitter get a rubber car ariel from Kmart or Super Cheap etc. They cost around $15 and it works a treat

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