G'Day Guys,
Spent the weekend at Moreton Isalnd on my folks boat and trying to get a feed of whiting around tangalooma and lucinda bay, was using my general purpose combo, 5'7" ugly stick, 2000 penn reel, with 12lb fireline, and 12lb leader.
Was getting some winter whiting around 25cm and of course plenty of grinners, but four times over the weekend got snapped off, was only using worm and squid for bait, would get a good bite and give a heave to set the hook but then nothing and wind my line back in to find braid had snapped (no curly pig tail from bad knots) this also happened to others on the boat a couple of times as well)
Now i have caught some quality bream and flathead on this combo before, what is likely to cause this to happen???