Hi all,
Yes tomorrow is the start of my 3-4week journey up the coast from Southside of Brisbane to Alrie Beach and back. It will hopefully be a great trip full of fishing and crabbing.
Tomorrow will be heading up to Tin Can Bay, and will be there til the 26th of december. Have been looking at some of the info on ausfish about the bay and what to expect.
On the 26th I will be heading up to Agnes Water/1770 where I am hopeing to meet up with fellow aushfisher Polky. Looking forward to sipping back a few cold ones matewill be looking to get out and do alot of fishing around this great area.
And so on the 31st the last day of the year of 2007 I will be driving right up to Arlie Beach to visit my sister who is working on Long Island and has a couple of days off when I am up there. I am looking forward to spending a couple of days heading out to some of the closer Islands and hitting the creeks around Prosipine.
Then unfortunalty I will be making myway back to reality and work but not before I head to Gladstone for one final bash on the water around the harbour and around curtis island.
Thanks for listening and I wish all ausfishers a very safe and merry christmasand a happpy new year.
Cheers Callum.
Ps if you see this little lancer and boat traveling give us a yell or wave hello.[ATTACH]sum[/ATTACH]
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