I read with dismay, Frances Whiting's comments in yesterday's Sunday Mail.
Her view is that there is no reason for any fishers to complain about Moreton Bay closures.
I'd bet my last dollar she hasn't read anything except the point put across that any fishing destroys the bay.
I call for all ausfish members to bombard her inbox with as much propogandea as possible. I'll send her a short note urging her to read both sides before commenting any further and see what transpires.
I can't access the comment online because it was only in her by-column not the main story.
Still on fishy subjects, I really don't understand the outcry by the pro-fishing lobby over the draft plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park, It's only 15% that will be protected in green zones-surely we can all look at the big picture think of the future and dropa line elsewhere.
Pull your head in Whiting. Ask Sally Jennings what her opinion of the draft is????