i got this thing on a surface lure at noosa any idear what it is. it looks like a gudgen x sleepy cod, living in the salt water
i got this thing on a surface lure at noosa any idear what it is. it looks like a gudgen x sleepy cod, living in the salt water
figjam :wink:
Hey Nugg,
Looks To me like a Juvinile Queensland Groper!
Yep sleepy cod i'd say but i thought they were fresh aswell. Bizzare!
looks to me like i wouldnt touch it... no idea. Dont think its a little groper....
I agree with Blooey looks to me like a Sleepy Cod though they belong in the fresh as mentioned.. I've caught a 20cm Queensland Groper in Townsville and it looked nothing like that.. Cheers PBass
Definitely not a Groper or Sleepy Cod.
Pity the photo wasn't better Nugget.
The water there is 5-6 metres deep just out from the rocks and you got it on the surface??????
Did you get it close in to the rocks or out a bit????
My money says its a goby of some type, images are all shadowed so true identity is next to impossible. Some goby's grow to well over a foot in length and there are many species of them.
It's definitely from the gudgeon family. And yeah, craptacular pics Nugg. Always shoot with the sun behind ya, light the subject.
Dunno what it is called, but i have caught smaller ones in the cast net at Nudgee beach.
thanks guys and sorry about the pic (hehe on ya criss lure man haha) but i got it working close to the rocks and he darted out of a hole and grabed the towadi. it did have nice yellow marks on his tail and fins
figjam :wink:
hmm i dont think its a sleepy, it is a sleepy it has a very long anal fin.
Last edited by Cammy; 17-12-2007 at 08:57 PM.
Australian Native Fish VidsSpecialize in Terapontida's, Perches, Cods, Gobies & Gudgeons
i no its not a sleepy iv got them befor in darwin and only in the fresh water and sleepys dont fight well this thing had some go about him. to me it looks like a big oversize gudgen but again gudgens are fresh water, its got me stuffed what they are but i now where to get some more.
figjam :wink:
I'll agree with Tunaticer, it looks like some sort of Goby to me.
we have a caught a few of them in our cast net, they are often quite good tank fish if converted properly or just in brackish, pretty sure its from the gudgeon family, very agressive as well