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Thread: rego mumber colour separating ?

  1. #1

    rego mumber colour separating ?

    Cleaning the boat today, I've noticed that the colour is separating off the rego numbers, leaving just the white vynol sticker only. These are stuck on top of the stacer waves on the boat.

    Can I just get replacement stickers/where ? Should I remove the reminder of the stickers and how ?

    While on Rego, Does QLD send out new rego letter/etc for the trailer/boat, or I do renew somewhere first etc ?

  2. #2

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    do you have a pic, sounds like they have been painted to match something...

  3. #3

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    Quote Originally Posted by datamile View Post
    Cleaning the boat today, I've noticed that the colour is separating off the rego numbers, leaving just the white vynol sticker only. These are stuck on top of the stacer waves on the boat.

    Can I just get replacement stickers/where ? Should I remove the reminder of the stickers and how ?

    While on Rego, Does QLD send out new rego letter/etc for the trailer/boat, or I do renew somewhere first etc ?
    mate - I presume you are talking about the large boat rego stickers on your boat? You can buy these at chandleries etc. as for removing them - maybe pm Dave (Blackened) for advice?
    your rego renewal should be the same as your car - ie a letter first then you pay and you are sent the stickers

  4. #4

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    I also have this problem, I think it's the 'W' haha. It's only hanging on my a thread on the starboard side.
    When they stuck them to the tinnie in the first place when I bought it they didn't press it properly over the contours.

    How much do new black rego boat stickers cost from chandleries roughly for a set?


  5. #5

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    You can get custom ones here for quite possibly less money then the dodgy boat shop ones. Steve can even do them in different styles and colours
    I intend on living far so good

  6. #6

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    Rego numbers have to be in a contrasting colour to the hull, e.g. black/blue on white/yellow or vice versa. Un-readable, peeling, split stickers can see you nicked!

    A hair dryer or heat gun on low should get most off and metho for the residue.
    Follow the Ausfish directions for applying new vinyl stickers.

  7. #7

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    Is there a limit on the QLD font ? or a special one ?

  8. #8

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    there's not a limit on fonts that I'm aware of;

    I've seen italic type fonts if that's what you mean?
    Have a look at some of the Ausfish ones available.

  9. #9

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    The only font limits in qld is boats not capable of planing minimum of 75mm high
    PWC minimum 75 mm
    all other boats capable of planing minimum 200 mm high

  10. #10

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    well there you go my QLD GOV boat safe workbook says PWC minimum 75mm
    online GOV site says minimum 100mm must have changed recently

  11. #11

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    How old is your BoatSafe workbook? it's been 100mm for over 18 months.

    it's not surprising, the latest brochures on Collision Regulations have a strangely worded part! the boating & fishing handbooks still contain outdated CPR procedures.
    proof reading doesn't appear to be a strong point.
    Last edited by seatime; 18-12-2007 at 08:21 PM.

  12. #12

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    All boats 200mm high contrasting colour, legiable font. (I used to make them for a boat shop) mine is a 2 tone (black and teal) on the white hull. If your up the sunny coast way I could knock a set up, $30/pr per colour. call me first 0414 431 040 Mick

  13. #13

    Re: rego mumber colour separating ?

    my wife brought it from main roads Beenleigh a bit over a year ago I got my licence september 2006 bought the workbook about then must have been old edition it was published 2005
    Last edited by sheridan; 19-12-2007 at 05:17 PM.

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