this my biggest so far, 93cm trolling a riedys hb mooloolaba canels
this my biggest so far, 93cm trolling a riedys hb mooloolaba canels
im waiting to see this fish too, beer man.
figjam :wink:
72cm, not as big as some of the monster lizzards on here but still my biggest.
Caught at wooli on a gang hook with a pilly in the surf shallows after taylor.
a big sandy I reckon.
struktcha man, just for future reference, a sure fire way to tell if you've got a dusky or mud flathead, which are currently governed by a 70cm max size rule, which will be increased to 75cm in March 2009, is to have a look at the tail or caudal fin. Duskies will have a small, nearly perfectly round black dot, where as sand flatties don't. Not saying that what you have there is not a sandy as you've said, but you don't want to be caught out as the colourations of flatties a greatly differ depending what sort of bottom you caught it on. But a good fish none the less, well done. Looks like you had to have a bit of a swim to get it
Some great fish. Still eager to see this 110cm fish. There was a picture of a 101cm fish on Saltwater chat recently of the fish on a brag mat. It didn't seem to get that much attention for the calibre of the fish :s
Scott nthQLD, wooli is on the north coast of NSW where there isn't a maximum size limit for duskies. Perfectly legal fish.
yeah thanks
was caught in NSW at wooli last Christmas and I am sure it was legal then as you where allowed to keep flatties over 70cm then in NSW.
I was actually trying my luck in the surf for a Taylor on a gang hook and pilly and caught this guy, in reasonably shallow surf about a meter or so deep, must have been hunting the baitfish.
sand flatties have a rounder head and their complection is more like freckled than blotchy.
if I was a betting man, you've got a dusky there.
nice fish anyhow.
Check this one out lads...not mine but definately worth a mention
OK we're goin to have to replace the #### with a k f f without the spaces
WOW!! good find Stonecold!! and thx for posting![]()
First 1 mtr Flathead posted on Ausfish (that I can find) and its linked to another site!!! lol. I guess the Ausfish population can't catch them that big![]()
yeah ok, or they arn't posting them![]()
stonecold we want to see flatties NOT crocodiles!
One massive fish that one is.
Yes men... theres been sh$tloads of debate about meter plus flatties before but thats the first I've ever seen on a mat