Ok, being new to owning outboard boats, I'm making a few mistakes. Starting with Jammed steering, and now the concept of stale fuel.
Does anyone have a stacer owner's manual ( if there is such a thing ) that they could scan/copy/email me ? Its a 525 2004/2005 easy rider.
Ok, got the boat from the yard about 3 months ago, and I guess it was there for a while, so no idea how old the fuel is. Boat started fine a copy of weeks ago during the steering drama, but the fuel doesn't smell like best petrol.
Any idea of to get the petrol out of this kind of boat. The tank is under the floor, and I'm guessing 94lt size, and its about half full according to the meter.
Do I siphon from the refill ? Disconnect the fuel pump and siphin from there , or some other method. Willing for help if you want some discount fuel