I am just a slow talkin' country boy from western Queensland so I cannot profess to know a lot about boats but there are some features about the rails on my Quintrex runabout that I really like.
The first is simply that I have some - especially on the sides at the back of the boat, which are so handy for lashing things to and also as an easy hand-hold in rough weather.
... and the second is that the bow rails are low on my boat so that it is easy for me to climb over them when I get off the boat at the front when beaching it.
So when I look (drool) over the Stabicraft such as Nugget's new boat, I wonder about a couple of things to do with rails, as I have shown in the picture below.
Do you guys with Stabicraft or similar boats miss not having rails down the sides at the back?![]()
Also, why are the bow rails so high?Being that high must make it hard sometimes to reach them to hold the boat steady when on the ramp or beach. High bow rails are often handy on an open boat to secure vinyl spray guards to but that would not be an issue on these sorts of boats.
Just curious....