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Bream Bonanza!!!!!!
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Thread: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

  1. #1

    Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Hey Everyone,

    Today Nuggstar and i decided to chase some Bass and some Tarpon in a secret pond i Know of and upon arrival It was overcast and no wind. Perfect he he he, after a good few casts i heard a massive BOOF!!!!!! And looking to the side I saw a massive bust up of white water everywhere as Nugg was on the ground after missing a good fish like that ,,,,BUMMER,,,, we still toddled on and i got rewarded by a tiny Spangled Perch and by the end of out little adventure we missed alot of little Spangles but we also missed alot of Bigger fish.

    We then decided to chase a few Bream on Topwater! Our first stop was a littler canal entrance we had never been in and after first cast a massive school of Bream followed my Teeny Torpedo and even "kissed" it but no Hook-ups. Nugg went up and i went in search of a different spot and i was rewarded unfortunately not by Fish but i found a few good spots on high tide and up ahaed nugg had already caught 3 baby Bream .

    We then Trotted off to a spot were i knew was good and alot of bigger Bream lurk. For some reason i took my surface off and put on a Bassday Sugar Deep Minnow and after a few cats BANG! ZZZZZZZZZZ and i was on to my first Fish On my new rod and a decent fish it was for a hardbody of about 29cm and then up ahead i was on again and again and again and after about 3 good fish Nugg Started to get bit Ticked off and he changed the colour of his SX40 and nearly straight away he was on to a good fish then as he was lifting it up the hooks came lose and i was a witness and it was a fat descent Fish %$$#@#$%$# was on the lines of that little "Episode".

    Then after i landed another Fish i did a great cast then the wind hit my lure and smashed the little Sugar Deep and SNAPPED at the bib $#@%%$#@ again and then i changed to a Smith Jade MD in Weed Shrimp And after a few casts i got another one and Nugg got a few too.....

    We had so many "oddities" happen today like a mud crab snipped and got hooked on my Lure and Nugg got a good Bream without a tail and we hooked atleast 5 Flathead and they all spat the hooks after they were brought close and we also witnessed mass schools of bream chase down our Hardbody's in a jam packed "ARMY" After a few more fish we then decided to leave home and call it a day.

    Big THANKS to go out to Nuggstar for taking me and everything... And overall we had a good Day

    Enjoy Everyone P.S SPOT the Bream without a tail!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    sorry Guy's the pic of bream without tail will not upload i will try later

  3. #3

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Great stuff mate, looks like a fun, r u fishing the canals around clown town (caloundra)? youll have to journey upto the maroochy river and come chase some trevs and flatties with me one day.
    Cheers Joe

  4. #4

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Hey Joe,
    I Actaully dont know what place i was in to tell you the truth in between Caloundra and Kawana i guess????
    And yes that would be sweet but first i NEEEEEEEEEED to get my BASS FIX BIGTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Haha fair enough mate i know the feeling, bass r still my favorite fish to catch by a wide margin. lets us know if your up for a trip as i will be fishing pretty much daily for the next month.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member chief's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    The bream are going off down here in brissie as well. Their hitting plastics hard. Caught heaps over the weekend around the 30 mark , Did see 1 bloke with two big bream ,best one went 1.27 kg. real stonker

  7. #7

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Thanks for the replies guy's and also we saw and missed plenty of Bream but the tide was wrong and it was a new place so i needed to suss it out a bit more.
    I Want to go Backis it was a nice Canal With rocks cough jack cough cough

  8. #8

    Thumbs up Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Onya boys...

    Looks like you had some fun down there....
    I bet Nugg was secretly searching for trevally....


  9. #9

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    New rod looks sweet Kid. What kind is it, and how did it perform?

  10. #10

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Hey Tiges,
    I got my rod from a mate of Yours EHEHEHEH Andrew ring a bell eheheheheheh and it was an awsome rod mate best i have ever felt you can truly relise the difference between i china piece of crap to a custom biult noosa based japenese fitted rod

  11. #11

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Nice stuff boys, you must be loving all this fishing time Will? Good to see you getting into a few.
    Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member nuggstar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    man i gota see that stumpy bream again hehe i had a ball will. next time i hope the bass will come and play
    figjam :wink:

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member nuggstar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    now im getting $hitty i did not get ya to help land that cracker o well next time i take a net hehe
    figjam :wink:

  14. #14

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    Nice like done Sims.
    How come that place looks exactly over the canal of where we were? heheh.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member geoff72's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Bream Bonanza!!!!!!

    good work fellas,whats the size of your main line and leader you are using for the bream.?
    If i could get paid the same to fish, sorry boss but i ......!

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