View Poll Results: How do you decide what boxes to tick?

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  • Only your local impoundments, no matter how well they are doing.

    24 82.76%
  • smaller impoundments, that dont get the funds other impoundments get.

    1 3.45%
  • Impoundments that have suffered over the past year.

    1 3.45%
  • Inny, Minny, Monny, Moe....Just randomly pick.

    3 10.34%
Results 1 to 13 of 13

Thread: SIP do you?

  1. #1

    SIP do you?

    With the current thread about Lake MacDonald, it got me thinking about how people make their minds up about what box/boxes to tick!

    Is it as simple as ticking the boxes of those impoundments you go to? tick the boxes of the smaller/less known dams to help those stocking groups? Or maybe look out for those dams that have had something dramatic happen (flood) and tick those.

    Personally I have one or two favourites that I tick every year, though I do like to "share the love" with some smaller groups that I have never even heard of.
    Last edited by Leigh77; 09-12-2007 at 07:36 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: SIP do you?

    I surpose I'm a bit selfish but because I am a member of the Lake MacDonald Stocking Group I only tick it each year.

  3. #3

    Re: SIP do you?

    I tick the dams that my boat is allowed on.

  4. #4

    Re: SIP do you?

    Yer i'm buggered if i'd be voting for any dams that allow electric boats, but not electric kayaks. That's just plain ridicuous.

  5. #5

    Re: SIP do you?

    i choose to send my votes to the impoundments that i fish, so i dont feel as guilty when i take a feed home.

  6. #6

    Re: SIP do you?

    I like to put down the impoundment I regulary fish at.
    However this week I travelled to a new dam to fish and had to renew the SIPS. The bloke at the tackle shop decided to be "nice" enought to fill it out for me, and of course selected his local dam.
    I probably would have put this dam down anyway, but it is my money therefore my choice, and was a bit peeved that he took that away from me. Next time I renew I know which dam is not going to be selected.


  7. #7

    Re: SIP do you?

    why not tick the dams you fish I DO even if i only take afeed every bluemoon, look after what is your main fishing area.cheers bdowdy...brett

  8. #8

    Re: SIP do you?

    In past years I have always ticked my favourite dam - BP. Since the low water conditions there I have elected to support my local dams on Sunshine Coast. Once BP is back to norm levels (if ever) with camping allowed etc - will be fishing there so will allocated my SIP tick once again.

  9. #9

    Re: SIP do you?

    I tick the dams I fish, and also those stocking groups that I know are having a real go at something new or risky.

    My last one got "ticked" for me same as gody100 experienced, was not happy about it. Was in a hurry and forgot all about it.

    Its up for renewal in february, will be doing it on line to make sure I get my choice! If Pine Rivers pull their finger out, they'll get the tick from me this year for the work at Kurwongbah.

  10. #10

    Re: SIP do you?

    I tick Lake Lenthall for three reasons -

    1. Im in the stocking group and I know just how little SIP's funding they get.

    2. Lake Lenthall has had a tough time with all the negative press received in recent times.

    3. I know how dedicated the members are to ensuring that Australia's southern most barramundi fishery remains as a fantastic freshwater fishery. They are innovative and willing to have a crack even in the face of some very adverse conditions.


  11. #11

    Re: SIP do you?

    The main reason Lenthalls gets the bad press is that we are still not allowed to camp there plus the weird access hours.
    Beautful dam and great fish esp the bass and the occassional barra.
    Keep up the good work James

  12. #12

    Re: SIP do you?

    Quote Originally Posted by thesav View Post
    The main reason Lenthalls gets the bad press is that we are still not allowed to camp there plus the weird access hours.
    Beautful dam and great fish esp the bass and the occassional barra.
    Keep up the good work James
    Its a construction site that has had to be locked up when it is not supervised & monitored. Private parks wouldnt even allow the public in until all construction is completed.

    I think the main reason is because people just like to whinge, whine, b!tch and moan about anything that takes their fancy.

  13. #13

    Re: SIP do you?

    I give a bit to all of them as o believe that some of the smaller stocking groups really struggle.
    I also try to fish as many places as possible and what may be my favorite dam today may change in the future.
    Wouldnt it be nice if the grubby government didnt take such a wack out of the money raised for administration costs?

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