g'day everybody. just wanted to hear anybodies stories ,maybe some pics of your families best catches. i have a wife and 3 kids ' 3 girls' god help me. i love taking them all fishing and they enjoy it just as much. i been teaching the girls a few things and every trip seems 2 turn into abit of a family competition. keeping a tally , who caught the biggest . my second youngest whos 8 is a natural and the last few trips together she has whopped my ass and she never lets me forget it either" little smart ass she is" she caught a 41cm whiting and 54cm flattie last trip and thats only naming a few. 18 keepers she caught that day. how many i caught is a secret . but it doesnt bother me i love seeing the smile on their face when they land a nice fish even if its 2 my embarrassment at the end of the family comp.