Originally Posted by
Mark Fisher
May sound a little sarcastic but it's not meant to be, "Why would you use a file on any part of the guide other than the feet? I don't believe that is a fair test of any guide. Last year I sent some rods up to the AFTA Show in Surfers. When they arrived, the rod tube had been badly damaged. On opening the tube and removing the rods a few of the AMTAC guides were badly crushed against the rod blank. Only one Fugi MNSG was damaged. The ring was perfect but the legs had been crushed. Obviously this isn't a fair test either as the AMTAC guides may have taken the brunt of the impact BUT on removing the guides I found the AMTAC guide legs were easy to bend. The Fugi legs were almost impossible to bend. For me personally, I will stick with the Fugi's for shear toughness. They are the proven product (I would also like to try some of the new Batson guides. I've heard they are as good as the Fuji's.)