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Thread: When does the Tailor season start at Fraser Island

  1. #1

    When does the Tailor season start at Fraser Island

    Could anyone advise me when the tailor start chewing seriously at Fraser? I have to put leave pass in now to be able to wet a line when they are on.

    Many thanks Fellas.

  2. #2

    Re: When does the Tailor season start at Fraser Island

    Tailor can be caught there in june/july. But teh big fellas only run towards the end of august into late october. the weeks of teh run change on a yearly basis. This year it was very late.


  3. #3

    Re: When does the Tailor season start at Fraser Island

    They can be there at any time really. Although September - October are probably the top months I have had good catches of tailor (bag-out in one session) off Indian Head in early December!
    Cheers Freeeedom

  4. #4

    Re: When does the Tailor season start at Fraser Island

    That sounds about right what Freeeedom stated. Tailor can be unpredictable at times. Cheers, Peter

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