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Paul says it's OK
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Thread: Paul says it's OK

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member RayDeR's Avatar
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    Paul says it's OK


    The Gold Coast Bulletin today (7th December, page 21), has an article which quotes the Bulletin and Chanel 9 fishing expert Paul Burt as saying the draft closures in Moreton Bay are okay.

    The Gold Coast Bulletin letter to the editor's email address:

    Ray De R

    Coast fishing off hook
    Broadwater and South Straddie ban not in final draft
    by Bridie Jabour

    A CONTROVERSIAL plan to ban fishing at MoretonIsland has made it to its first draft with little of the Gold Coast affected.

    Some of the plans released before the draft had a large part ofthe Broadwater and South Stradbroke Island as banned fishing areas but they did not make the final cut.

    The Moreton Bay Marine Park Plan draft, released by the Queensland Government, covers the Brisbane area, with 15 per cent of Moreton Bay banned from commercial fishing.
    Gold Coast Bulletin fishing expert Paul Burt said he understood the need for 'protecting our own backyard' and banning fishing in 15 per cent of Moreton Bay was better than banning fishing in 50 per cent.

    "We have to govern for our back yard and certain animals like the dugong need to be able to feed without boats interfering," he said.

    "If any of the ban was detrimental to anglers I would be totally opposed as it would be ridiculous to ban fishing on the Gold Coast but the plan is fine."

    Premier Anna Bligh launched the official draft, saying anglers would still be able to cast their lines out from any jetty in Moreton Bay.

    However, Queensland Seafood Industry Association president Neil Green has labelled the plan 'appalling' and called it a 'con job by green bureaucrats on State Government ministers'.

    "It will devastate the seafood industry and rob seafood consumers of fresh local product," he said.
    "It is appalling."

    Mr Green said Moreton Bay had been fished commercially for more than 150 years and retained healthy stocks of an enormous range of marine life, from whales and dugong, to fish and seabirds, to seagrass and coral.

    Last edited by RayDeR; 07-12-2007 at 04:09 PM. Reason: bad spelling in scanned piece from newspaper

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    "We have to govern for our back yard and certain animals like the dugong need to be able to feed with­out boats interfering," he said."

    Just goes to show how uninformed some people are...these are not no take zones not no go zones...therefore nothing changes in regards to dugong.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    Paul WHO, oh yes the star of tv, he wouldnt no what his left hand is doing compared to his right.
    They should have slapped a 50% ban on Gold coast offshore waters, maybe then it would have given the fish a chance to restock, as its fairly well understocked now.
    Last edited by webby; 07-12-2007 at 04:26 PM.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    Quote Originally Posted by RayDeR View Post

    The Gold Coast Bulletin today (7th December, page 21), has an article which quotes the Bulletin and Chanel 9 fishing expert Paul Burt as saying the draft closures in Moreton Bay are okay.

    The Gold Coast Bulletin letter to the editor's email address:

    Ray De R

    Coast fishing off hook
    Broadwater and South Straddie ban not in final draft
    by Bridie Jabour

    A CONTROVERSIAL plan to ban fishing at Moreton Island has made it to its first draft with little of the Gold Coast affected.

    "If any of the ban was detrimental to anglers I would be totally opposed as it would be ridiculous to ban fishing on the Gold Coast but the plan is fine."

    he mainly fishes the Gold Coast i'll bet...

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    There is a very interesting read in the latest F & B magazine by Ern Grant ... his view on SE Qld closures and gov knee-jerk legislators.

    Well worth a read ...cant post it due to copyright but every person who has ever wet a line should read it ...


  6. #6

    Re: Paul says it's OK

    Quote Originally Posted by webby View Post
    Paul WHO, oh yes the star of tv, he wouldnt no what his left hand is doing compared to his right.


  7. #7

    Re: Paul says it's OK

    It is statements like that, that make us average fishoes look daft. It's not in my backyard so I don't care.

    Well Paul, it IS in your backyard, it will affect your viewers fishing habits, and it will impact on the Gold Coast fishery.... in some way.

    I suggest you have a think about it,,, think about what the next water/ habitat grab the Greens will go for....

    as a senior and wise member here says...

    apathy IS the enemy......

    All IMO....... Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    Paul Burt must play golf with Ken Brown, wasn't 'Brownie' one of those other 'celebs' backing the EPA plans a short time ago.
    They must see some money in it for themselves.

  9. #9

    Nugget says it's NOT Ok

    This has never been about fishing – anglers are just the pawn in a political chess match. Look at the logic (read that as excuses) behind the closures.

    The Bay is over fished:
    Moreton Bay’s fish stocks are not in any danger – professional catch records clearly show no decline in the past 10 years. Yes there was a problem prior to that – just too many pro fishos but that problem was rectified.
    If they were seriously concerned about overfishing we would have seen bag and possession limits on inshore finfish introduced when they were fist suggested by Tom Burns in the early 1990s. We (the fishos) have been pushing for these bag and size limits for a long time – it is the authorities that have been holding back on their introduction – if they were seriously concerned they would have done something long ago.

    The dugong and turtles need protecting:
    There’s not one proposed closure in the draft plan that is aimed at turtle or dugong protection. Preventing fishing in areas does not prevent ‘boat strike’ which EPA claims is their claimed worst enemy.

    Protecting the environment:
    This is laughable. The EPA’s web site states one of the biggest environmental threats to Moreton Bay is pollution.
    Last year submissions were called for and grants were awarded for projects that would improve Moreton Bay and its foreshores.
    One of the few submissions rejected was a simple plan (costing a pittance, not tens of thousands) to pick up rubbish around the Bayside foreshores.
    EPA’s web site also states that silt from urban run off and dredging is another problem for the Bay.
    It was the EPA that approved dredging millions of tonnes of sand from Middle Bank for the Airport parallel runway extension. It is the EPA that approved the mining of one of the last rainforest habitats in the Bay district at Mt Cotton – millions of tonnes of gravel extracted that will decimate the environment.

    No this has never been about protecting fish, the environment or anything else.
    The reason we are presented with these closures is because a small minority group funded by extremist anti fishing association lobbied the Greens who in turn did a deal for preferential votes at the last election.
    “We (the Greens) will give you (Labor) our preference votes if you bring in these closures.”

    This is the most important part of this post…
    The only thing politicians care about is bad publicity, mass disagreement from voters.
    Mr Rudd does not want unrest, bad publicity, strikes, parades, and end up on the front page of newspapers and Tv seen in a negative light.
    Anna Bligh does not want bad publicity, strikes, parades, and end up on the front page of newspapers and Tv.
    If you do not agree with these closures then yell your loudest, attend every rally you can, write to your local member – make as much noise as you can.
    This is only the tip of the iceburg. They have now moved the goal posts stating the next review will be in five years, not 10. Read that as the next round of closures.
    It should be interesting on air this weekend - have your say 5 - 7am 1116am or

    Dave ><>

  10. #10

    Re: Paul says it's OK

    just a note guys before you all throw the first stone and nail him to the cross .......

    I live on the GC, and work in the public hospital system and therefore see a lot of news-worthy stuff come through our Dept ....

    As such I have personally seen countless, totally inaccurate misquotations appear in the GC Bulletin, which is a never-ending source of out-of-context and totally astray statements that often have no similarities to factual events or what actually transpired during an interview.

    Question the integrity of the paper and exercise healthy scepticism as well before you assume it to be gospel ........

    It should really be called "The Gold Coast Bull-shitten" .......

    Dont believe everything you read

    I have no idea what actually was said by Paul Burt but just thought everyone should be aware of the papers history of inaccurate reporting performance before casting judgement.
    Last edited by Franco; 07-12-2007 at 08:51 PM.

  11. #11

    Re: Paul says it's OK

    PS just to add I am not a personal friend of Paul's and had no ulterior motive for my post other than to provide a balanced opinion.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    This might not be the right post to put this under,

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    Good on you Webby, that hit the nail on the head.
    Cohesion is the magic word.
    Lets all work together as one massive group.


  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    I don't doubt you at all Franco.

    But, this fellow is a media pro, he's worked for the Bull-shitten before, he's worked for each of the networks and worked with 'brownie' (who has been a spokesperson for the EPA).
    It's not unheard of for a media celeb to be mis-quoted, but this one rings true.

    Perhaps there's been some "tall poppy syndrome" displayed here in posts, or perhaps it's just healthy cynicism/criticism.

    Last edited by seatime; 07-12-2007 at 09:29 PM. Reason: add link

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member RayDeR's Avatar
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    Re: Paul says it's OK

    G'day Franco!

    I know what you are saying about being mis-quoted but this guy is a professional media person. I worked as a professional public relations person for a large organisation on the Gold Coast and I assure you there are ways not to be misquoted.

    Ray De R

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