Unfortunately the price you can charge is going to be based largly on demographics,how many rec/commercial fishermen in yamba earn the sort of money that affords them the luxury of a rod worth the sort of money mentioned?How many game boats opperate out of Iluka/Yamba?The average wage/salary just isn't the same for us (Nth NSW) as it is for people who live in S E Queensland,you may sell the odd rod to someone on hollidays for top dollar but I think you've already discovered locals are not going to pay say 3 to 4 hundred dollars for a custom surf/rock job when they can pick up a Chinese rolled Alvey for around 80 bucks,the 60 to 80 you mentioned is prety much par for what can be charged around here,any more and it's akin to pulling a broken mollar, if you want more you may have to sacrifice lifestyle and move to the big smoke.