Well the time the whole convoy is leaving is 11am however the time we are meeting everyone as noted in Phill's original post is 10am. I know 9:15am or even 9:30am may be a little bit early but I always allow for Gateway/City traffic snarls which can catch you off guard at the best of times and I always like to be early rather than late.
Last edited by Poodroo; 08-12-2007 at 09:59 AM.
i guess that location doesn't lend itself to people like me from the eastside meeting up as it is sth of old cleveland rd. i could come up from mt gravatt capalaba rd actually but that would mean heading south initially.
by the time you stop and have a chat, 9.30 is when you want to be heading off to meet up at the muster point IMO. it only really takes 15mins from there over the bridge but you want to take your time and allow for traffic issues. so its not unreasonable to say 9.15.
just confirm the time guys and I will no doubt meet up at that location whenever.
Should us East-siders all meet somewhere here first then head in along Old Cleveland Rd together to go over the Gateway around the same time as South-siders?
I'm coming from Thornlands
Here is a link to find your local member of parliament.
Click on it and then follow your nose to their electrol office address and contact details.
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
please print out the information below.
Save MoretonBay RallyThe following is a guide for people attending the Rally on Saturday 15th December.Information Sheet
Members taking part are advised that under the “ assemblies act 1972“
6—Exemption for participants acting in accordance with approved proposals
(1) Where the conduct of an assembly conforms with approved proposals, a person
participating in the assembly—
(a) may, in accordance with the proposals, position himself, or proceed over, any
portion of a public place defined or described in the proposals; and
(b) in acting in conformity with the proposals does not incur any civil or criminal
liability by reason of the obstruction of a public place.
(2) An act permitted by this section is lawful notwithstanding the provisions of any other
Act or law regulating the movement of traffic or pedestrians, or relating to the use or
obstruction of a public place.
What this means is, that as a participant of the assembly ( prosession ), you are entitled to take part according to the law providing you don’t break the law.
Please conduct ourselves in a manner that lends itself to the informed and caring fisho’s we are. Be patient and courteous at all times, as there will be hold-ups.
If asked what the event is about, speak clearly and directly to any person that asks. Your reply should be along the lines of…
1. We as fisherman want to protect Moreton Bay
2. Green Zones will not stop pollution from mainland runoff
3. The Moreton Bay fishery ( fish stocks ) is sustainable and healthy
4. The DPI&F manage the Bay well, the EPA are interfering
5. The EPA’s own research says that pollution is killing the bay, not overfishing.
6. Moreton Bay already has 46% protection for its marine inhabitants
7. Turtle numbers are on the increase
8. Dugongs are in danger from loss of feeding grounds and habitat due to pollution, not boat strikes.
9. We want Common Sense, not back door deals for Preferences
If you require it to be sent to you via email, pm me.....
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
The main branch of the Rally will assemble at Lavarack Ave, Meeandah at 10am Sat 15th December and move off at 11am. If you have a UHF use channel 38 to access information on the day. The rally will be a drive only with high profile public figures situated at designated points to provide the leverage via media coverage.Rally … Call to Arms
Brisbane folk should drive to the intersection of Curtin Ave and Kingsford Smith Dve at Meeandah and trail / form up on Lavarack Ave. If the road is full, divert along Curtin Ave and up Holt St. It is unknown how many vehicles will be in attendance, so if all looks full, make a decision to best suit yourself in joining the rally along the way/ tag on the end.
Others coming from North Coast and South Coast can meet us at Lavarack Ave, or to my way of thinking North people continue down Gympie Rd into the city via Brunswisk St, Gipps St and then Ann St, into Edward and up Alice St, past parliament House. Disperse in your preferred direction.
From the South, enter via South East Freeway into Turbot St, follow to Boundary St ( turn right ) then turn right again into Ann St and follow to Edward St ( left ) and right into Alice St, past parliament house and disperse in your preferred direction.
You people coming from the north and south should time your runs to coincide with an arrival at the City limits at about 11.15 to 11.20am.
If anyone wishes to do a number of drive bys around the city, feel free as it is your right.
Further, should you wish to continue on the crusade, please drive to your local members office. ( details posted here soon ), or better still, as I will, Anna Blighs office:-
Suite 1/90 Vulture Street
Ph: (07) 3255 3615
Fax: (07) 3255 3627
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
I was supposed to be heading upto DI that weekend but I will feel guilty if I dont go. I will head to DI via the rally. The missus will be pleased anyway as she wont be getting hassled by me to get up a 6am!
HI Phil and ALL
I was wondering if a rally or some form of protest was in order.
Why do all these beaurocrasts always want to stuff things up.
Wasn't it not so long ago that The fishing industry participated in a buy back scheme to help protect fish stocks in Moreton bay.
Overfishing is definately not the reason for potential problems in the bay.
Perhaps polution from industry and the over expansion of South east queensland is a big contributor to any problem in the bay at present.
I am of the opinion that green zones will do nothing other than restrict yet more places we cannot go to fish. Soon we will not be able to throw a line in our water tank.
I find it so annoying that continually fishing is first on everyones list as soon as there is a problem with something in the bay. Can't these people see past their nose and leave the poor bloody fishing industry and recreational fisher alone.
GET TO THE REAL PROBLEM -- and stop using fishing as a scape goat.
I am all for a rally and hopefully we can make it Saturday-- Keep up the good work one and all. See you all there
I don't mean to be a fly in the ointment but isn't this truck stop after the Old Cleveland Road on-ramp when heading north??
That is you enter onto the Gateway Arterial from Old Cleveland Road, head north for about 1 km and this truck stop is on the left near the top of the hill??
Is this the one you mean? Please clarify.
Thanks Pete for drawing my attention to it. I just had a closer look on Google Earth and the truck stop is indeed after the Old Cleveland Road off ramp so it is in fact before the Wynnum Road exit. So for anyone planning on meeting us the stop is between the Old Cleveland Road and Wynnum Road exits heading north along the Gateway.
I would suggest that we work out a strategy for getting the convoy mobile on the Gateway without causing a massive pile up
Perhaps a couple of cars jump on earlier and sit next to each other and slow down a little to give a break in the traffic or at least warn motorists
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"